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A Vote of No Confidence is a faction quest in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire.

Synopsis[ | ]

Lueva Alvari has called together a meeting of the Vailian Trading Company's key investors, demanding Director Castol's removal from his post. The Canta Nicese will want to hear from those involved in Director Castol's recent operations. That means the Watcher.

Alvari asks the Watcher to join the council meeting in the director's chambers on the upper floor of the Vailian Trading Company headquarters.

Walkthrough[ | ]

  • Your testimony will decide whether Castol or Alvari comes out on top. The numbers don't work out in the Director's favor yet and Lueva is pouncing on that fact as hard as possible. You can contradict her:
    • When she mentions Poko Kohara and you restored the pillar, you can point out that the investment of men and resources did produce a usable vein.
    • She will malign Castol's investment in animancy research. You can offer a counterpoint, that the research is promising and could give the VTC tremendous power in time, help reach Ukaizo, or that the experiments simply worked. Tarvisi will express great interest in the research and you can use Bluff/Insight/History 6 to point out the practical applications.
    • Finally, you can ask Pallegina to intercede on behalf of the preferred company head.
  • Whoever prevails then enlists you to blow up the Royal Deadfire Company Powderhouse. If Maia is in your party, you must decide whether to continue to go along with the Vailian Trading Company's plans, in which case Maia leaves your party, or to decline the quest, ruling out the Vailian Trading Company as an ally (and Major Negative reputation). If you decline the quest and Pallegina is in your party, she'll permanently and automatically leave it as soon as you sail again (you'll receive Pallegina's letter) with no interaction and regardless of your global reputation with the VTC.

Notes[ | ]

  • If you have both Pallegina and Maia in your party and you don't want to lose any of them, leave Maia out of the party before starting the meeting or before talking to whoever has won the director position after the testimony (needs confirmation). note from a player: talking to maia after this quest triggers a dialogue in which she leaves. I had romance and max relationship with her and "ship needs you and so do I" didn't make her stay. What worked for me is: (1) refuse RDC quest and kill all the brass citadel prior to this quest. BUT DON'T ENGAGE THE POWDER STORAGE FACILITY (this seems to trigger the "maia glares at you", but killing the hazanui doesn't). (2) immediately go to ukaizo after this quest is completed, giving her no chance to make up her mind to leave.
  • Note from another player: what worked for me was to not commit to blowing up the powder house at all. I didn't have Maia in my active party and I sided with Castol. I then chose "You'd kill all those people?" and "This is monstrous" during the conversation--similar to how you can receive the VTC quest to work with Furrante without committing to actually doing it--and Castol just said he trusted me to do the right thing. I never spoke to Flaune after that, and Maia (at least so far) never left.

Journal[ | ]

ID Objectives
0 A Vote of No Confidence
10000 Lueva Alvari has called together a meeting of the Vailian Trading Company's key investors, demanding Director Castol's removal from his post.
1 Attend the trial as a witness.
10001 The Canta Nicese will want to hear from those involved in Director Castol's recent operations. That means me.

Alvari asked me to join the council meeting in the director's chambers on the upper floor of the Vailian Trading Company headquarters.

2 Speak with Director Castol.
10002 Director Castol's position is secure. With Lueva Alvari exiled from Neketaka, she won't be around to challenge him further.

Castol will probably have some idea of how to proceed from here.

3 Speak with Governor Alvari.
10003 Castol has been exiled, and Lueva Alvari is the new director of the Vailian Trading Company.

Alvari will probably have some ideas as to how to proceed from here.

4 Witness the final ruling by Nirro, Canta Nicese.
10004 I've said my part. Now it's time to see what becomes of the Vailian Trading Company's leadership.
Unused strings
- 5
End states
No 30000 Someone critical to the completion of this quest has been killed.
Yes 30001 The Songretta has sentenced Alvari to exile, leaving Director Castol to lead the Vailian Trading Company's efforts to seize Ukaizo.
Yes 30002 The Songretta has sentenced Castol to exile, granting the title of Director to Lueva Alvari in his place. She will lead the effort to claim Ukaizo, and has asked for my assistance in that regard.