Pillars of Eternity Wiki
Pillars of Eternity Wiki

Aimoranet is a unique mace in Pillars of Eternity.

Description[ | ]

Items in italics are quoted directly from the game.

A priestess of Hylea in Old Vailia took in children orphaned by a famine. She guarded them in the temple and gathered what food she could. When looters came to the temple doors, demanding that she surrender their meager supplies, she prayed to her goddess for strength. The priestess suddenly found a powerful mace in her folded hands and an indomitable courage in her heart. When she charged through the temple door, it's said the very birds swooped from the treetops to pluck at the thieves' eyes.

When the local duc heard of her bravery and the plight of the children, he diverted emergency supplies from his own hall to feed them. The brave priestess and her mace, Aimoranet ("Little Beloved") became symbols of Hylea's fierce protection.

Acquisition[ | ]
