Pillars of Eternity Wiki

In response to patch v1. to Pillars of Eternity (June 6, 2024), the random loot tables shown on the wiki have been updated. These changes may take time to propegate.

As a result, random loot data is no longer accurate to old versions of the game, including all console ports. We'll be working to provide a mechanism to switch between pre-patch and post-patch loot for console players.


Pillars of Eternity Wiki

Almanac Of The Eastern Reach, 2823 AI is a 36 page companion book for Pillars of Eternity, offering additional information on the world and especially the Eastern Reach. It's written from an in-universe perspective and features numerous notes on the margins, pointing out the author's bias or boasting about the reinsertion of controversial fragments (like the recipe for Durgan's hardcake).

