Pillars of Eternity Wiki

In response to patch v1. to Pillars of Eternity (June 6, 2024), the random loot tables shown on the wiki have been updated. These changes may take time to propegate.

As a result, random loot data is no longer accurate to old versions of the game, including all console ports. We'll be working to provide a mechanism to switch between pre-patch and post-patch loot for console players.


Pillars of Eternity Wiki
This article is about the in-game date and time system. For a timeline of game events, see Timeline.

Anni Iroccio - Year of Iroccio. This is the commonly-used calendar in and around the Dyrwood. It is only 150 years old and Vailian in origin, created in 2680 AI, but has been adopted by the residents of Dyrwood and much of the surrounding area due to the hopeless inaccuracy of the Aedyr calendar. Though the Iroccian calendar replaced earlier Vailian calendars, the inventor, Iroccio, started from the same time as his predecessors.

Iroccio calculated that it takes the planet approximately 334 days (of 27 hours each) to orbit the sun, so he took the nine months from the Aedyran calendar and broke them into sixteen months of twenty days each, with each season consisting of four months. The length of each month corresponds to how long it takes Belafa (one of Eora's moons) to circle the planet. At the end of each season, three days - not part of either season or month - are set aside for people to celebrate the transitions. Lastly, the final two days of the year - New Year and Mid Year - are used to observe the beginning and midpoint of the year.

Overview[ | ]

Season Month Days
Winter (Ivèrno)
(last half)
New Year 1
Deep Winter (Fonivèrno) 20
Late Winter (Tarivèrno) 20
Spring (Prima)
Spring Dawn (Inprima) 3
Early Spring (Préprima) 20
Mid Spring (Majprima) 20
Deep Spring (Fonprima) 20
Late Spring (Tarprima) 20
Summer (Estu)
Summer Rising (Inestu) 3
Early Summer (Préëstu) 20
Mid Summer (Majestu) 20
Mid Year 1
Deep Summer (Fonestu) 20
Late Summer (Tarestu) 20
Autumn (Auton)
Autumn Falling (Inauton) 3
Early Autumn (Préauton) 20
Mid Autumn (Majauton) 20
Deep Autumn (Fonauton) 20
Late Autumn (Tarauton) 20
Winter (Ivèrno)
(first half)
Winter Dusk (Inivèrno) 3
Early Winter (Préïvèrno) 20
Mid Winter (Majivèrno) 20

In Anni Iroccio (AI):

  • 1 year = 16 full months, 6 transitional months (of 3 days), 2 in-between days
  • 1 month = 20 days
  • 1 week = 5 days
  • 1 day = 27 hours
  • 1 hour = 60 minutes
  • 1 minute = 60 seconds

Hours[ | ]

A day consists of 27 hours. Hour 0 is the start of the day, and the day rolls over at Hour 26:59:59.

Day/night cycle
Daytime 06 to 20
Nighttime 20 to 06
Times of the day
Rest dawnRest dayRest duskRest night
Predawn 03 to 07
Morning 08 to 12
Midday 13 to 15
Afternoon 16 to 19
Evening 20 to 24
Midnight 26 to 02

Days[ | ]

There are 5 days in a week and 4 weeks per month and all of the day names used in the Dyrwood and most of the area come from Eld Aedyran. The names of the week days are as follows:[1][2]

  • Godandag (GAH-dahn-dahg, contraction of “Gods' Day")
  • Cönyngsdag (COE-neengs-dahg, contraction of “King's Day")
  • Mecwynsdag (MEH-queens-dahg, contraction of “Illustrious Queen's [Consort's] Day")
  • Folcsdag (FOHLKS-dahg, contraction of “Peoples' Day")
  • Rytlingsdag (REE-tlings-dahg, contraction of “Children's Day")

Months[ | ]

Iroccio gave the months Vailian names, but in the Dyrwood and surrounding areas, they call them by their translated names. One full month is 20 days long. Each season is flanked by 3-day "transitional" months, plus the remaining two days (New Year and Mid Year).

  • Winter (Ivèrno): Last half
    • New Year (1 day): A day to celebrate the arrival of the new year. Of all the holidays, this one is celebrated by most people around the Dyrwood and the Vailian Republics. Each new year is greeted with a fervent zeal to begin things anew and start with a fresh slate.
    • Deep Winter: Fonivèrno (fohn-ih-VEHR-no)
    • Late Winter: Tarivèrno (tahr-ih-VEHR-no)
  • Spring (Prima):
    • Spring Dawn (3 days): Inprima - Used to celebrate the transition of the world, rebirth, and Spring. Eothasian festivals are especially prevalent at this time, or were, prior to the Saint's War.
    • Early Spring: Préprima
    • Mid Spring: Majprima
    • Deep Spring: Fonprima
    • Late Spring: Tarprima
  • Summer (Estu):
    • Summer Rising (3 days): Inestu - A period of transition from birth to growth. Many ceremonies designed to usher children into adulthood take place during Summer Rising.
    • Early Summer: Préëstu
    • Mid Summer: Majestu
    • Mid Year (1 day): A day of reflection and introspection. The year is half over. People who made promises on New Year use Mid Year to assess their progress and renew their oaths.
    • Deep Summer: Fonestu
    • Late Summer: Tarestu
  • Autumn (Auton):
    • Autumn Falling (3 days): Inauton - Harvest celebrations happen during Autumn Falling if the crops were particularly bountiful. If the harvest was small, supplication is given to the gods asking for a better harvest the following year.
    • Early Autumn: Préauton
    • Mid Autumn: Majauton
    • Deep Autumn: Fonauton
    • Late Autumn: Tarauton
  • Winter (Ivèrno): First half
    • Winter Dusk (3 days): Inivèrno (ihn-ih-VEHR-no) - Winter Dusk is filled with celebrations of life and vigils for the dead. The world is returning to sleep, plants die, and those still alive raise a toast to another year.
    • Early Winter: Préïvèrno (pree-ih-VEHR-no)
    • Mid Winter: Majivèrno (mahzh-ih-VEHR-no)

Trivia[ | ]

  • Pillars of Eternity begins on the 18th of Mid Spring (Majprima), 2823 AI, at hour 20 and 30 minutes.[3]
  • Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire begins on the 18th of Mid Spring (Majprima), 2828 AI, at hour 7.
  • The following commands may be used to manipulate time: AdvanceDay, AdvanceTimeByHours, AdvanceTimeByHoursNoRest, AdvanceTimeToHour, FastTime, Pause, SetTime, SlowTime, and TogglePause
  • The game speed is 24x faster than real time, so:
    • 1 second in real time is 24 seconds in-game.
    • 1 minute in real time is 24 minutes in-game.
    • 1 hour of real time is 24 hours (or ~0.89 days) in-game.
    • 1 day of real time is ~21.3 days (or 576 hours) in-game.
    • 1 second of in-game time is 0.0416666667 seconds in real time.
    • 1 minute of in-game time is 2.5 seconds in real time.
    • 1 hour of in-game time is 2 minutes and 30 seconds in real time.
    • 1 day of in-game time is 1 hour, 7 minutes, and 30 seconds in real time.

Notes[ | ]

  • The days counter shown when hovering over the clock in-game is the number of days since the start of the adventure. This is not to be confused with the current day of the year or month, nor does it line up with the current day of the month. This value always ticks over on hour 7 (as this is when the adventure starts).
  • Also note that the hour counter is NOT associated with the hours since the start of the adventure and is simply the current hour of the day - which adds to the confusion.

Ingame books[ | ]

