Pillars of Eternity Wiki

Battle axes are one-handed, melee weapons in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire.

Description[ | ]

Items in italics are quoted directly from the game.

Capable of delivering powerful blows from their broad, curved blades, battle axes are commonly used by soldiers throughout the Dyrwood and Eir Glanfath.

List of battle axes[ | ]

Icon Name Damage Value Enchantments
Poe2 battle axe icon Battle Axe 13-19 14-20 Slash Copper pires (cp)7
Poe2 battle axe obsidian icon Mātakau
12-18 13-19 Slash Copper pires (cp)157
Poe2 battle axe fine icon Fine Battle Axe 15-22 16-23 Slash Copper pires (cp)207
Lax02 battle axe rymrgand icon Battle Axe 13-19 14-20 Slash Copper pires (cp)607
Poe2 battle axe exceptional icon Exceptional Battle Axe 17-25 18-26 Slash Copper pires (cp)807
Poe2 battle axe exceptional icon Superb Battle Axe 19-28 20-29 Slash Copper pires (cp)2,407
Poe2 battle axe amra icon Amra
23-31 23-31 Slash Copper pires (cp)2,557
Lax01 battle axe slayer icon Slayer's Claw [SSS]
(Soulbound)(Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin)
19-28 20-29 Slash Copper pires (cp)2,807
Lax02 axe of woedica icon Oathbreaker's End [BW]
26-35 26-35 Slash Copper pires (cp)4,432
Poe2 battle axe exceptional icon Legendary Battle Axe 21-30 22-32 Slash Copper pires (cp)5,007
Poe2 battle axe magran icon Magran's Favor
21-30 22-32 Slash Copper pires (cp)5,607