Pillars of Eternity Wiki

Breastplate is a type of medium armor in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire.

Description[ | ]

Items in italics are quoted directly from the game.

Breastplates are popular for offering a modest amount of protection without the restrictive movement of heavier mail and full suits of plate armor.

Due to their widespread use by warriors from the Vailian Republics, the fashion of clothing and padding worn under breastplates typically reflects Vailian styles.

List of breastplates[ | ]

Icon Name AR Value Enchantments
Poe2 breastplate armor DoC icon Devil of Caroc Breastplate
11 Base
9 Slash 9 Shock
Copper pires (cp)5,840
Poe2 breastplate armor exceptional icon Legendary Breastplate 11 Base
9 Slash 9 Shock
Copper pires (cp)5,040
Lax01 breastplate armor heavyt ceremonial garb icon Contender's Armor [SSS]
10 Base
8 Slash 8 Shock
Copper pires (cp)2,890
Poe2 breastplate furrantes icon Furrante's Breastplate
10 Base
8 Slash 8 Shock
Copper pires (cp)2,440
Poe2 breastplate armor exceptional icon Superb Breastplate 10 Base
8 Slash 8 Shock
Copper pires (cp)2,440
Poe2 breastplate armor dragon slashed icon Casità Samelia's Legacy
9 Base
7 Slash 7 Shock
Copper pires (cp)1,140
Poe2 breastplate armor exceptional icon Exceptional Breastplate 9 Base
7 Slash 7 Shock
Copper pires (cp)840
Poe2 breastplate armor pallegina icon Honor Guard Breastplate 9 Base
7 Slash 7 Shock
Copper pires (cp)840
Poe2 breastplate armor pallegina fivesuns icon Five Suns Breastplate
8 Base
6 Slash 6 Shock
Copper pires (cp)340
Poe2 breastplate armor pallegina disgraced icon Desgraza Breastplate
8 Base
6 Slash 6 Shock
Copper pires (cp)340
Poe2 breastplate armor pallegina icon Honor Guard Breastplate
8 Base
6 Slash 6 Shock
Copper pires (cp)340
Poe2 breastplate armor fine icon Fine Breastplate 8 Base
6 Slash 6 Shock
Copper pires (cp)240
Poe2 breastplate armor VTC icon Vailian Breastplate 8 Base
6 Slash 6 Shock
Copper pires (cp)240
Poe2 breastplate armor citzal icon Breastplate 7 Base
Copper pires (cp)140
Poe2 breastplate armor icon Breastplate 7 Base
5 Slash 5 Shock
Copper pires (cp)40