Pages in category "Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire passive abilities"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 682 total.
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- A Soul's Echo
- Abomination
- Accurate Carnage (Deadfire)
- Accurate Empower
- Acid Shield
- Adaptive
- Adept Evasion (Deadfire)
- Aefyllath Ues Mith Fyr (Deadfire)
- Aegis of Loyalty (Deadfire)
- Agile Mind
- Alchemist's Cache
- Among the Waves
- Ancient Memory (Deadfire)
- Antelope Companion (Deadfire)
- Antelope Defenses (Deadfire)
- Apex Predator
- Arcane Archer (passive)
- Armored Grace (Deadfire)
- Arms Bearer (Deadfire)
- Ascendant (passive)
- Ascended
- Ashen Skin
- Aspect of the Boar
- Assassin (passive)
- Assassinate
- At the Sight of their Comrades, their Hearts Grew Bold (Deadfire)
- Attempted Parley
- Backstab (Deadfire)
- Barbaric Retaliation (Deadfire)
- Battle-Forged (Deadfire)
- Bear Companion (Deadfire)
- Bear's Fortitude (Deadfire)
- Beast of Winter (ability)
- Befuddled by the Forgotten
- Beguiler (passive)
- Berath's Blessing - Bonus Skills
- Berath's Blessing - Champion Stats
- Berath's Blessing - Power Level Bonus
- Berath's Gift
- Berath's Veil
- Berath's Veil (Prevent Death)
- Bird Companion
- Bird Companion (Maia Rua)
- Bird Engagement Immunity
- Biting Whip (Ascendant)
- Biting Whip (Beguiler)
- Biting Whip (Deadfire)
- Black Jacket (passive)
- Bleak Walkers (passive)
- Blessed Defiance
- Blessed Was Wengridh, Quickest of His Tribe (Deadfire)
- Blighted Spittle
- Blind Fury
- Blind Rage
- Blinding Sands
- Blood Frenzy (Crimson Panoply)
- Blood Gift (ability)
- Blood Mage (passive)
- Blood Price
- Blood Surge
- Blood Thirst (Deadfire)
- Blood Ward (ability)
- Blooded (Deadfire)
- Bloodfire
- Bloodlust (Deadfire)
- Bloody Slaughter (Deadfire)
- Boar Companion (Deadfire)
- Boar Regeneration
- Boar's Endurance
- Body Control (Deadfire)
- Bodyguard (Deadfire)
- Boiling Blood
- Bravado (Deadfire ability)
- Brilliant Tactician
- Brutal Backlash (Deadfire)
- Brute Force (Deadfire)
- Bull's Will (Deadfire)
- Burden of the Body
- Burden of the Soul
- Burning
- Call Hatchlings
- Calmo's Curse
- Candlebearer
- Captain's Eye
- Carlo's Training
- Carnage (Deadfire)
- Catalyzing Venom
- Caustic Backlash
- Celestial Attunement (Day)
- Celestial Attunement (Night)
- Certain Mutiny
- Chains of the Shattered Realms
- Charged Field
- Charm Gaze (passive)
- Child of Flame
- Child of the Void
- Chopping Wood
- Clear Head
- Cloak and Dagger
- Clouding Strikes
- Coel's Training
- Colossal
- Combat Focus
- Combust (Burning Soldier)
- Combust (Flame Blight)
- Come, Come Soft Winds of Death (Deadfire)
- Commitment
- Communal Carnage
- Companion Bond
- Companion's Prelude
- Compassion
- Confident Aim (Deadfire)
- Conjurer (passive)
- Constant Recovery (Black Jacket)
- Constant Recovery (Deadfire)
- Consuming Void
- Contentment in Pain
- Coordinated Escape
- Coral Death Throe
- Corona of the Soul
- Corrosive Aura
- Corrosive Solvent
- Covalent Bond
- Cover of Night
- Cowardice
- Creeping Death
- Crimson Steel
- Crippling Wounds
- Critical Defense (Deadfire)
- Crucible Of Suffering (Deadfire)
- Cruelty and Curios
- Crunch the Bones
- Crushing Demise
- Darcozzi Paladini (passive)
- Darkest Before Dawn
- Dauntless
- Dawn's Reflection
- Death Denied
- Death in Life
- Death Runes
- Death Shriek
- Death's Usher (Deadfire)
- Deathblows (Deadfire)
- Debauchery
- Debonaire (passive)
- Deep Faith (Deadfire)
- Deep Pockets (Deadfire)
- Deep Wounds (Deadfire)
- Defensive Beacon
- Defensive Bond (Deadfire)
- Defensive Roll
- Defiant Resolve (Deadfire)
- Delemgan (racial ability)
- Denial (Deadfire ability)
- Desolation
- Destroyed Limb
- Destroyed Limb (Baby Kraken)
- Destruction
- Determination
- Determined Demise
- Devious
- Devoted (passive)
- Diminishing Numbers
- Dirty Fighting (Deadfire)
- Disease Cloud (passive)
- Disorienting Touch
- Disruptor Coil
- Distant Threat
- Distraction Training
- Divide and Conquer
- Divine Purpose
- Divine Retribution
- Dominating Gaze (passive)
- Dominating Spores
- Dragon Scales (ability)
- Draining Whip (Ascendant)
- Draining Whip (Beguiler)
- Draining Whip (Deadfire)
- Drawing Cut
- Drawing Parry
- Driving Flight (Deadfire)
- Dull the Edge, Blunt the Point (Deadfire)
- Echoing Horror
- Elemental Clarity
- Elemental Endurance (Deadfire)
- Elias Zelen's Training
- Empowered by the Hunt (Duel Buffs)
- Empowered by the Hunt (Enraged Construct)
- Empowered by the Hunt (Ward Caster Buffs)
- Empowered Strikes
- Enchanter (passive)
- Encroaching Madness
- Enervating Aura
- Enervating Blows (Deadfire)
- Enervating Presence
- Enfeebled by Frost
- Engagement Mastery
- Engagement Strike
- Enrage
- Enraged Boar