Pillars of Eternity Wiki

Deltro's Cage is a plate armor in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire.

Description[ | ]

Items in italics are quoted directly from the game.

The Bardatto family commissioned the animancer Deltro to build a suit of armor that would protect its wearer from electricity. By combining coper[sic] plates and other conductive elements, Deltro hoped to divert any incoming electricity away and disperse it into the surrounding air. His experiments were a failure. The armor, rather than harmlessly redirecting the electricity, instead caused violent lighting[sic] storms. Its construction was costly and the resulting piece, while beautiful, would never fulfill its purpose. It was instead gifted to a high ranking Bardatto family member as stood as decoration for many years.

Acquisition[ | ]

Enchantment tree[ | ]

Note: Conductive Storm and Shock Shield are mutually exclusive.
Conductive Storm
Shock Shield

Upgrades[ | ]

DynamoShock ShieldGrants Shock Shield (Self: Shock Damage heals for 50% instead of dealing damage with Electricity attacks) (2 per rest)Copper pires (cp)3,00012