Pillars of Eternity Wiki
Pillars of Eternity Wiki

Engagement is a state when two or more opposing combatants are locking each one's position, so they cannot move freely out of melee combat distance. This system is intended to increase tactical value of movement and positioning in combat environments.

Engagement may only occur in melee combat, and with melee attacks.

Mechanics[ | ]

When two opposed combatants come near each other and the attacker:

  • has a melee weapon equipped
  • is not moving and
  • is not currently at their maximum limit of engagement targets (the standard is 1),

the other character will become Engaged. When a character is first engaged, they will stop moving. Moving any significant distance away from the attacker is called Disengagement and will provoke an automatic Disengagement Attack.[1]

If the attacker switches to a non-melee weapon or performs a non-melee-based action, Engagement immediately ends. If the attacker moves away from their Engagement targets, is paralyzed, interrupted, knocked down, or otherwise prevented from maintaining a threat, Engagement will also immediately end. If the attacker has a limited number of Engagement targets (as most do) and switches his or her attack focus to a different character, Engagement immediately ends.[1]

Engagement range is only a little more than a character width (barring special circumstances)[2] and most characters can only engage one enemy at a time. If they don't have a target, it's the first enemy who enters the radius. If they do have a target, it's them. For fighters in Defender mode, it's the first three, one of which is typically someone they are attacking.[3]

Fleeing targets can be engaged, as soon as the pursuer catch up to them and stops moving, forcing them to stop as well.[4]

Incoming engagements is used to refer to opponents engaging a character, while outgoing engagements refers to that character engaging one or more opponents.

Disengagement attack[ | ]

A Disengagement Attack is a "free" automatic action with no recovery time.[5] It has an inherent Accuracy bonus, does significantly more damage than a standard attack, and will call a hit reaction animation while momentarily stopping the character's movement. When it's initiated, a Disengagement Attack automatically breaks Engagement on the target, but if the target is also the attacker's current melee target, the attacker will typically be able to re-establish Engagement before the target can move farther away.[1] By default, attackers have to wait 2.0 seconds after a disengagement attack before they can attempt to engage the same target.

By default, all disengagement attacks are given a bonus of +5 Accuracy, and do 2x damage. On story time difficulties, enemy disengagement attacks have an accuracy penalty of -25.

Influences in Pillars of Eternity[ | ]

Engagement limit[ | ]

Level Class Ability Limit Duration
3 Fighter Defender +2 Modal
2 All Hold the Line +1 -

Immunity to engagement[ | ]

The following effects provide an immunity to engagement, which prevents the character from being engaged by opponents (but do not prevent outgoing engagements). Typically all effects that provide with immunity to engagement, or make the caster untargetable or invisible will also break existing engagements (both outgoing and incoming) on the start of the effect, without provoking a disengagement attack.

Level Class Ability Duration Notes
3 Rogue Escape Instant

Defense against disengagement attacks[ | ]

The following effects provide bonus defense against disengagement attacks made by enemies on the character.

Level Class Ability Defense Duration
3 Barbarian Wild Sprint +12 5.0 sec

Influences in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire[ | ]

Engagement limit[ | ]

The following effects increase the amount of opponents that the character can engage at one time (from a default of 0).

Type Item Enchantment Limit Notes
Club Kapana Taga Champion's Implement +1
Champion's Relic +2
Club Shattered Vengeance Blessed Defiance +1 When 2 or more enemies are nearby
Pollaxe All pollaxes Engaging Threat +1 Modal
Spear All spears Engaging Thrust +1 Modal
War hammer Last Word Threatening +1
Type Item Enchantment Limit
Belt Maura's Grasping Belt [FS] Animated +1
Helm Blackened Plate Helm Pallid Countenance +1
Shield All shields Shield Engagement +1
Type Armor Enchantment Limit Notes
Breastplate Contender's Armor [SSS] Contender's Composure +1
Brigandine Reckless Brigandine Go Not Quietly +1
Hide armor The Changeling's Mantle [SSS] Lessons of the Changeling +1 In boar form
Plate armor Blackened Plate Armor Usher's Beckoning +1
Plate armor One Dozen Stood [BW] Hold the Bridge +1-3 Depending on health percentage
Level Class Ability Limit Duration Target
2nd Barbarian Thick Skinned +1 - Self
4th Barbarian Barbaric Shout +3 30.0 sec Target
9th Barbarian Dazing Shout
4th Chanter The Silver Knights' Shields Broke Both Arrow and Blade +1 10.0 sec Friendly Aura (4m)
5th Cipher Tactical Meld +3 30.0 sec Allied Target + Self
Core Druid Spiritshift Bear +1 15.0 sec Self
Core Druid Spiritshift Boar +1 15.0 sec Self
Core Fighter Unbroken +1 - Self
Core Paladin Engagement Mastery +1 - Self (while shield equipped)
2nd Fighter Defender Stance
Guardian Stance
+3 - Self
3rd Fighter Hold the Line +1 - Self
5th Priest Champion's Boon +3 30.0 sec Friendly Target
2nd Ranger Protective Companion +1 - Animal Companion
4th Rogue Persistent Distraction +1 - Self
1st Wizard Form of the Fearsome Brute +1 30.0 sec Self
7th Wizard Citzal's Martial Power +1 30.0 sec Self
Type Item Limit Duration
Potion Potion of the Fearsome Brute +1 30.0 sec
Resting bonuses
Location Room Cost Limit
The King's Coffin Sailor's Berth Copper pires (cp)200 +1
Temple of Toamowhai The Gymnasium Copper pires (cp)200 +1

Immunity to engagement[ | ]

The following effects provide an immunity to engagement, which prevents the character from being engaged by opponents (but do not prevent outgoing engagements). Typically all effects that provide with immunity to engagement, or make the caster untargetable or invisible will also break existing engagements (both outgoing and incoming) on the start of the effect, without provoking a disengagement attack.

Level Class Ability Duration Notes
3rd Barbarian Wild Sprint
Lion's Sprint
Ram's Sprint
6.0 sec
6th Barbarian Threatening Presence - Only applies to lower-level enemies
Core Druid Spiritshift Storm Blight -
1st Druid Shifting Storm -
Core Ranger Antelope Companion (Ghost Heart)
Bear Companion (Ghost Heart)
Boar Companion (Ghost Heart)
Lion Companion (Ghost Heart)
Stag Companion (Ghost Heart)
Wolf Companion (Ghost Heart)
- Ghost Heart ranger's companion
Core Ranger Bird Engagement Immunity - Passive on Maia's bird companion, Ishiza
1st Rogue Defensive Roll 2.0 sec On critically hit
1st Rogue Escape
Shadow Step
Flurry of Blades
3.0 sec
2nd Rogue Smoke Veil 5.0 sec
4th Rogue Shadowing Beyond 10.0 sec Upgraded from Escape
7th Rogue Coordinated Positioning Instant Break only
8th Rogue Enduring Shadows 20.0 sec Upgraded from Shadowing Beyond
9th Rogue Vanishing Strike 5.0 sec
Type Item Duration
Potion Potion of Invisibility 15.0 sec
Type Item Enchantment Duration Notes
Battle axe Slayer's Claw [SSS] Stelgaer's Lunge Instant Break only
Club Shattered Vengeance Coordinated Escape - While near 2 or more allies
Rapier Seeker's Fang [SSS] Spider's Escape 3.0 sec After applying a Dexterity Affliction
Scepter The Eye of Wael Obfuscation 8.0 sec On scoring critical hit
Enchantment Pet Duration
Pet party effect: Misc - Grog Grog -

Cannot engage[ | ]

The following effects prevent the character from being able to engage opponents (but do not prevent incoming engagements).

Level Class Ability Duration
1st Priest (Woedica) Writ of Engagement 15.0 sec
Core Rogue Debonaire (passive) -
Enchantment Pet Duration
Pet party effect: Misc - Grog Grog -

Per engaged target[ | ]

The following effects are modified based on the amount opponents the character has engaged.

Level Class Ability Effects Target
2nd Fighter Defender Stance
Guardian Stance
-5% Damage Taken per Engaged Target Self
Type Item Enchantment Effects
Club Kapana Taga Champion's Implement
Champion's Relic
+3% Melee Damage for each Engaged Target
Unblockable +4 Melee Accuracy for each Engaged Target
War hammer Last Word Shortened Haft +5% Weapon Damage per Engaged Enemy
Type Armor Enchantment Effects
Brigandine Reckless Brigandine Go Not Quietly +5% Action Speed in Melee (+3% per Engaged Target)

Defense against disengagement attacks[ | ]

The following effects provide bonus defense against disengagement attacks made by enemies on the character.

Level Class Ability Defense Duration Notes
4th Druid Form of the Delemgan +20 -
2nd Monk Graceful Retreat +12 -
2nd Paladin Zealous Charge +12 Modal
4th Paladin Exalted Charge
1st Wizard Fleet Feet +20 30.0 sec
1st All Fast Runner +5 - Except Chanter, Cipher, Monk, Priest, Wizard
4th All Tumbling +20 - Except Druid, Paladin, Priest, Wizard
Type Item Enchantment Defense
Amulet Heart-Chime Amulet Winged Steps +15 (Deflection)
Boots Boots of Speed Moving Target +15 (Deflection)
Cloak The Magnificent Escape Cape Neither Here Nor There +10 (Deflection)
Type Weapon Enchantment Defense
Spear Kahua Hozi Glass Walker +25 (Deflection)
Type Armor Enchantment Defense
Padded armor Gipon Prudensco Better Part of Valor +25 (Deflection)
Pet Enchantment Defense Notes
Drago [SSS] Pet party effect: Defenses - Disengagement +5 Party-wide effect
Ooblit [FS] Pet party effect: Defenses - Disengagement 2 +10 Party-wide effect
Type Item Defense Duration
Food White Ynefer +20 Until next rest

Modifiers to disengagement attacks[ | ]

The following effects modify disengagement attacks made by the character against opponents, or otherwise are triggered as a result of these attacks.

Type Armor Enchantment Effects Notes
Brigandine Nomad's Brigandine Pull Back -25% Damage taken from Disengagement attacks
Feigned Retreat -25% Damage taken from Disengagement attacks, 25% Chance to Reflect against Disengagement attacks Upgraded from Pull Back
Tactical Withdraw Immunity to Disengagement attacks Upgraded from Pull Back
Leather armor Miscreant's Leathers Kidney Guard -10% Damage taken from Disengagement and Flanking attacks
Padded armor Gipon Prudensco Fight Another Day Immunity to Disengagement attacks
Plate armor One Dozen Stood [BW] Stall for Time -40% Stride for 4.0 sec upon scoring a Hit with a disengagement attack Foe AoE (6m) around wearer
Don't Let Him Through! +15% Damage and +10 Accuracy with Disengagement attacks
Level Class Ability Effect Target
3rd Chanter The Fox from the Farmer Did Run and Leap -20 Accuracy for 10.0 sec Foe Target
Core Fighter Unbroken (passive) +10 Penetration Self
5th Fighter Guardian Stance Disengagement attacks interrupt and knock prone Attack Targets
6th Fighter Overbearing Guard +15 Accuracy, +50% Damage Self

Notes[ | ]

  • Project Eternity's melee engagement was designed as a solution to two common problems in the Infinity Engine games: melee characters' inability to control an area and ranged characters' ability to "kite" melee characters. It fills a similar role to D&D 3E/3.5/4E/Pathfinder's attack of opportunity mechanics.[1]

