Engwithan and Glanfathan are from the same part of the world and are loosely related (as Cornish and Irish are). The ancient Engwythan language (used by the previous residents of Eir Glanfath) is barely understood by even the most well-read scholars. It is based on real world Cornish.[1]
Gameplay[ | ]
The protagonist can learn the Engwithan language from Icantha during Undying Heritage.
Glossary[ | ]
- Caoth i Bhád – Life in Death.[2]
- Bád i Caothaí – Death in Life.[2]
- Breith Eaman – Court of Penitents
Phrases[ | ]
- E dhnéi tói Engwith? – "Do you speak Engwithan?"
- ↑ Obsidian forum post by Josh Sawyer, 17/6/13
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Found in Eir Glanfath's ruins, Update #24