Pillars of Eternity Wiki

The following is a list of fighter abilities in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire.

Ability tree[ | ]

Active AbilitiesPassive Abilities
Power level 1 is unlocked at level 1 / 1
Disciplined barrage icon
Disciplined barrage icon
Disciplined Barrage
Cost: 1 Discipline

The fighter intensely focuses on their training, gaining the Aware Inspiration for a short time.
Knock down icon
Knockdown icon
Knock Down
Cost: 1 Discipline

Shoves an enemy with enormous force, knocking them Prone and causing damage.
Ability passive fortitude icon
Ability passive fortitude icon
Monastic Unarmed Training
Gain scaling effectiveness in Unarmed attacks. Though, not as effective as a Monk's unarmed strikes, benefit from Increased Accuracy, Damage, and Penetration as you gain levels.
Ability passive reflex icon
Ability passive reflex icon
Fast Runner
The character becomes more fleet and nimble, increasing Stride and granting a defensive bonus against Disengagement Attacks.
Ability passive utility icon
Ability passive utility icon
Arms Bearer
Gain an additional Weapon Set.
Power level 2 is unlocked at level 3 / 4
Class fighter icon
Class fighter icon
Fighter Stances
The fighter trains in the ability to adopt specialized fighting stances. Each stance excels at handling a different aspect of combat. Defender Stance is apt for holding fast against groups of enemies, Cleaving Stance is effective when attacking several enemies at once, while Warrior Stance is best for standing toe-to-toe against a single enemy.
Into the fray icon
Into the fray icon
Into The Fray
Cost: 2 Discipline

The fighter lunges through the battle, pulling an enemy into immediate melee range, causing Crush damage, and leaving them Dazed.
Ability passive attack icon
Ability passive attack icon
Two-Handed Style
Grants a Damage bonus while wielding a two-handed weapon.
Ability passive attack speed icon
Ability passive attack speed icon
Two Weapon Style
Specialized training increases the character's Action Speed while using a weapon in each hand.
Ability passive defense icon
Ability passive defense icon
Weapon and Shield Style
Equipped shields' Deflection bonuses are increased and grant an equal bonus to the character's Reflex.
Ability passive defense icon
Ability passive defense icon
The fighter gains bonus defense against Intellect, Perception, and Constitution Afflictions.
Ability passive weapon icon
Ability passive weapon icon
Confident Aim
Steadies the fighter's arm, allowing them to convert Grazes to Hits on any attack made with a proficient weapon.
Ability passive accuracy icon
Ability passive accuracy icon
One-Handed Style
While wielding a single one-handed weapon, some of the attacker's Hits are converted to Crits.
Power level 3 is unlocked at level 5 / 7
Disciplined strikes icon
Disciplined strikes icon
Disciplined Strikes
Upgraded from Disciplined Barrage
Cost: 1 Discipline

The fighter intensely focuses on their training, gaining the Aware Inspiration for a short time. (Disciplined Strikes) - Aware Inspiration is now improved to the Intuitive Inspiration.
Tactical barrage icon
Tactical barrage icon
Tactical Barrage
Upgraded from Disciplined Barrage
Cost: 1 Discipline

The fighter intensely focuses on their training, gaining the Aware Inspiration for a short time. (Tactical Barrage) - The fighter now also gains the Acute Inspiration.
Mule kick icon
Mule kick icon
Mule Kick
Upgraded from Knock Down
Cost: 1 Discipline

A powerful attack that knocks enemies into the air and then Prone, leaving them Disoriented.
Vulnerable attack icon
Vulnerable attack icon
Penetrating Strike
Cost: 1 Discipline

The fighter strikes their target with devastating force, gaining significant additional Penetration during the attack.
Constant recovery icon
Constant recovery icon
Rapid Recovery
Upgraded from Constant Recovery
Uses: 1 per encounter

Charged by the rush of battle, the fighter will continually regenerate Health at a modest rate. (Rapid Recovery) - Increases the amount of health regenerated.
Ability passive fortitude icon
Ability passive fortitude icon
Bear's Fortitude
Increases the character's Fortitude defense.
Ability passive reflex icon
Ability passive reflex icon
Snake's Reflexes
Increases the character's Reflex defense.
Ability passive utility icon
Ability passive utility icon
Hold the Line
Grants the fighter one additional Engagement.
Ability passive will icon
Ability passive will icon
Combat Focus
Gain Concentration at the start of each combat.
Ability passive will icon
Ability passive will icon
Bull's Will
Increases the character's Will defense.
Power level 4 is unlocked at level 7 / 10
Charge icon
Charge icon
Cost: 2 Discipline

The fighter dashes across the battlefield in a flash, Stunning anyone caught in their path.
Vigorous defense icon
Vigorous defense icon
Vigorous Defense
Cost: 2 Discipline

The fighter becomes fiercely determined to deflect all incoming blows, dramatically increasing all Defenses for a short time.
Get over here icon
Get over here icon
Lower their Guard
Upgraded from Into The Fray
Cost: 2 Discipline

The fighter lunges through the battle, pulling an enemy into immediate melee range, causing Crush damage, and leaving them Dazed. (Lower their Guard) - The enemy's Armor Rating significantly reduced for the next attack they receive.
Out of the fire icon
Out of the fire icon
Out of the Fire
Upgraded from Into The Fray
Cost: 2 Discipline

The fighter lunges through the battle, pulling an enemy into immediate melee range, causing Crush damage, and leaving them Dazed. (Out of the Fire) - Allows the Fighter to pull allies to safety, if they choose - Doing so will not harm the ally.
Ability passive utility icon
Ability passive utility icon
Quick Switch
Reduces the Recovery Time penalty when switching weapons.
Ability passive reflex icon
Ability passive reflex icon
The fighter becomes resistant to Dexterity Afflictions, (Hobbled, Immobilized, and Paralyzed).
Ability passive fortitude icon
Ability passive fortitude icon
Body Control
The fighter becomes resistant to Might Afflictions, (Staggered, Dazed, and Stunned).
Ability passive reflex icon
Ability passive reflex icon
Gain additional defense against Disengagement attacks.
Ability passive attack icon
Ability passive attack icon
Weapon Specialization
Gives a damage bonus to the fighter's proficient weapons.
Ability passive will icon
Ability passive will icon
The fighter becomes resistant to Resolve Afflictions, (Shaken, Frightened, and Terrified).
Power level 5 is unlocked at level 9 / 13
Defender icon
Defender icon
Guardian Stance
Upgraded from Defender Stance

The fighter adopts a more conservative combat strategy, concentrating on locking down enemies that stray too close. The fighter increases their number of Engagement targets and takes less damage for each he or she engages. (Guardian Stance) - Enemies that disengage from the fighter are immediately attacked and proned, if successful.
Berserker stance icon
Berserker stance icon
Mob Stance
Upgraded from Cleaving Stance

The fighter changes to a more aggressive stance, apt for handling groups of enemies. While in this stance the fighter's kills with a melee weapon will trigger an instant Full Attack on a nearby enemy. (Mob Stance) - Each nearby enemy reduces the fighter's recovery time between attacks.
Conquerer stance icon
Conquerer stance icon
Conquerer Stance
Upgraded from Warrior Stance

The fighter adopts a balanced strategy apt for standing toe-to-toe with a single combatant. While in this stance the fighter gains Increased Accuracy and Deflection. (Conquerer Stance) - When Hurt or above, the fighter's Accuracy bonus increases. When Bloodied or below, the fighter's Deflection bonus increases.
Unbending icon
Unbending icon
Cost: 2 Discipline

The fighter draws strength from their own indomitable spirit, causing them to regenerate a portion of the Health lost from each attack.
Ability passive heart icon
Ability passive heart icon
Increases the base maximum health that you gain with each level.
Ability passive weapon icon
Ability passive weapon icon
Uncanny Luck
Gain a small chance to completely avoid any attack and to convert some Hits to Critical Hits.
Ability passive deflection icon
Ability passive deflection icon
Superior Deflection
Increases the character's Deflection defense.
Ability passive attack speed icon
Ability passive attack speed icon
Armored Grace
The fighter is perfectly capable while wearing even bulky and restrictive suits of armor, lowering their Recovery Penalty from armor significantly.
Power level 6 is unlocked at level 11 / 16
Refreshing defense icon
Refreshing defense icon
Refreshing Defense
Upgraded from Vigorous Defense
Cost: 2 Discipline

The fighter becomes fiercely determined to deflect all incoming blows, dramatically increasing all Defenses for a short time. (Refreshing Defense) - Each time the fighter takes damage, the duration extends.
Clear out icon pe2
Clear out icon pe2
Clear Out
Cost: 2 Discipline

Sweeps the fighter's melee weapon in a large arc, making a Primary Attack on each foe and knocking them back and Prone.
Ability passive deflection icon
Ability passive deflection icon
Spell Resistance
Grants a chance to completely resist the effects of a hostile spell.
Ability passive attack icon
Ability passive attack icon
Improved Critical
Increases the amount of damage dealt by Critical Hits.
Ability passive accuracy icon
Ability passive accuracy icon
Overbearing Guard
The fighter's Disengagement attacks have greatly increased Accuracy and Damage.
Ability passive utility icon
Ability passive utility icon
Reaping the Whirlwind
The fighter's maximum Discipline increases.
Power level 7 is unlocked at level 13 / 19
Pommel strike icon
Pommel strike icon
Power Strike
Cost: 4 Discipline

Strike an enemy with a powerful melee attack, dealing high damage and Stunning them. Foes behind the enemy are Staggered and take Raw damage.
Unbending shield icon
Unbending shield icon
Unbending Shield
Upgraded from Unbending
Cost: 2 Discipline

The fighter draws strength from their own indomitable spirit, causing them to regenerate a portion of the Health lost from each attack. (Unbending Shield) - The fighter and their allies now also gain the Resolute Inspiration.
Unbending trunk icon
Unbending trunk icon
Unbending Trunk
Upgraded from Unbending
Cost: 2 Discipline

The fighter draws strength from their own indomitable spirit, causing them to regenerate a portion of the Health lost from each attack. (Unbending Trunk) - The fighter now recovers more health from each attack received.
Unbroken icon
Unbroken icon
Uses: 1 per encounter

The fighter refuses to be vanquished. After being knocked out, the fighter stands back up with a portion of their Health restored and temporary bonuses to all Defenses and Armor Ratings.
Ability passive accuracy icon
Ability passive accuracy icon
Accurate Empower
Empowered attacks gain increased Accuracy.
Ability passive raw damage icon
Ability passive raw damage icon
Potent Empower
Empowered attacks gain increased Damage.
Ability passive penetration icon
Ability passive penetration icon
Penetrating Empower
Empowered attacks gain increased Penetration.
Ability passive attack icon
Ability passive attack icon
Weapon Mastery
Gives a damage bonus to the fighter's proficient weapons.
Ability passive attack speed icon
Ability passive attack speed icon
Lasting Empower
Empowered attacks gain increased duration on Affliction and Inspiration effects.
Power level 8 is unlocked at level 16 / cannot be learned as multiclass
Inspired discipline icon
Inspired discipline icon
Inspired Discipline
Cost: 3 Discipline

Gather your thoughts and channel your strength into a state of pure focused discipline, granting all first tier Inspirations for a short time. (Strong, Fit, Quick, Insightful, Smart, and Steadfast)
Clear the path icon
Clear the path icon
Clear the Path
Upgraded from Clear Out
Cost: 2 Discipline

Sweeps the fighter's melee weapon in a large arc, making a Primary Attack on each foe and knocking them back and Prone. (Clear the Path) - The fighter will now push back all enemies in a line.
Clean sweep icon
Clean sweep icon
Clean Sweep
Upgraded from Clear Out
Cost: 2 Discipline

Sweeps the fighter's melee weapon in a large arc, making a Primary Attack on each foe and knocking them back and Prone. (Clean Sweep) - The fighter now hits all enemies around them with the attack.
Ability passive defense icon
Ability passive defense icon
Critical Defense
The fighter expends extra effort to repel the most savage blows, causing a percentage of all incoming Critical Hits to be converted to Hits.
Ability passive utility icon
Ability passive utility icon
Toughened Fury
The fighter has a small chance to gain Discipline each time they are critically hit.
Ability passive heart icon
Ability passive heart icon
Great Soul
Increases the maximum number of times Empower can be used before resting.
Power level 9 is unlocked at level 19 / cannot be learned as multiclass
Pommel counter icon
Pommel counter icon
Inspired Strike
Upgraded from Power Strike
Cost: 4 Discipline

Strike an enemy with a powerful melee attack, dealing high damage and Stunning them. Foes behind the enemy are Staggered and take Raw damage. (Inspired Strike) - After the strike, receive the Acute and Swift Inspirations temporarily.
Take the hit icon
Take the hit icon
Take the Hit
Cost: 1 Discipline

The fighter interposes himself or herself between incoming attacks and nearby allies. The final damage total of any attack against a nearby ally is cut in half, with the fighter taking the other half as Raw damage.
Sundering blow icon
Sundering blow icon
Sundering Blow
Cost: 2 Discipline

The fighter makes a Primary attack that gains bonus Penetration and lowers the target's Armor Ratings.
Unbroken icon
Unbroken icon
Upgraded from Unbreakable
Uses: 1 per encounter

The fighter refuses to be vanquished. After being knocked out, the fighter stands back up with a portion of their Health restored and temporary bonuses to all Defenses and Armor Ratings. (Unrelenting) - When the fighter rises, he or she regains Discipline.
Ability passive accuracy icon
Ability passive accuracy icon
Chopping Wood
The fighter's Empowered attacks gain bonus Hit to Crit conversion.
Ability passive fortitude icon
Ability passive fortitude icon
Increases your Power Level, increasing the effectiveness of all abilities.

Active abilities[ | ]

Level Ability Activation Cost Effects Description
1st Level Fighter Abilities
1 (I) Disciplined barrage icon Disciplined Barrage Active 1 Discipline Self:
The fighter intensely focuses on their training, gaining the Aware Inspiration for a short time.
Knockdown icon Knock Down Active 1 Discipline Target:
Shoves an enemy with enormous force, knocking them Prone and causing damage.
2nd Level Fighter Abilities
2 (II) Into the fray icon Into The Fray Active 2 Discipline Foe Target:
The fighter lunges through the battle, pulling an enemy into immediate melee range, causing Crush damage, and leaving them Dazed.
Cleaving stance icon Cleaving Stance Modal AoE (on scoring kill):
  • Full Attack
The fighter changes to a more aggressive stance, apt for handling groups of enemies. While in this stance the fighter's kills with a melee weapon will trigger an instant Full Attack on a nearby enemy.
Defender stance icon Defender Stance Modal Self:
The fighter adopts a more conservative combat strategy, concentrating on locking down enemies that stray too close. The fighter increases their number of Engagement targets and takes less damage for each he or she engages.
Class fighter icon Fighter Stances Modal Self:
The fighter trains in the ability to adopt specialized fighting stances. Each stance excels at handling a different aspect of combat. Defender Stance is apt for holding fast against groups of enemies, Cleaving Stance is effective when attacking several enemies at once, while Warrior Stance is best for standing toe-to-toe against a single enemy.
Warrior stance icon Warrior Stance Modal Self:
The fighter adopts a balanced strategy apt for standing toe-to-toe with a single combatant. While in this stance the fighter gains Increased Accuracy and Deflection.
3rd Level Fighter Abilities
3 (III) Disciplined strikes icon Disciplined Strikes Active 1 Discipline Self:
The fighter intensely focuses on their training, gaining the Aware Inspiration for a short time.

(Disciplined Strikes) - Aware Inspiration is now improved to the Intuitive Inspiration.

Mule kick icon Mule Kick Active 1 Discipline Target:
A powerful attack that knocks enemies into the air and then Prone, leaving them Disoriented.
Vulnerable attack icon Penetrating Strike Active 1 Discipline Target:
  • Full Attack
The fighter strikes their target with devastating force, gaining significant additional Penetration during the attack.
Tactical barrage icon Tactical Barrage Active 1 Discipline Self:
The fighter intensely focuses on their training, gaining the Aware Inspiration for a short time.

(Tactical Barrage) - The fighter now also gains the Acute Inspiration.

4th Level Fighter Abilities
4 (IV) Charge icon Charge Active 2 Discipline Foe Target:
The fighter dashes across the battlefield in a flash, Stunning anyone caught in their path.
Get over here icon Lower their Guard Active 2 Discipline Foe Target:
The fighter lunges through the battle, pulling an enemy into immediate melee range, causing Crush damage, and leaving them Dazed.

(Lower their Guard) - The enemy's Armor Rating significantly reduced for the next attack they receive.

Out of the fire icon Out of the Fire Active 2 Discipline Foe Target:
Friendly Target:
  • 5m Pull
The fighter lunges through the battle, pulling an enemy into immediate melee range, causing Crush damage, and leaving them Dazed.

(Out of the Fire) - Allows the Fighter to pull allies to safety, if they choose - Doing so will not harm the ally.

Vigorous defense icon Vigorous Defense Active 2 Discipline Self:
The fighter becomes fiercely determined to deflect all incoming blows, dramatically increasing all Defenses for a short time.
5th Level Fighter Abilities
5 (V) Unbending icon Unbending Active 2 Discipline Self:
  • 25% of Damage Taken converted into Healing for 15.0 sec
The fighter draws strength from their own indomitable spirit, causing them to regenerate a portion of the Health lost from each attack.
Conquerer stance icon Conquerer Stance Modal Self:
Self (while ≤ 50% Health):
Self (while > 50% Health):
The fighter adopts a balanced strategy apt for standing toe-to-toe with a single combatant. While in this stance the fighter gains Increased Accuracy and Deflection.

(Conquerer Stance) - When Hurt or above, the fighter's Accuracy bonus increases. When Bloodied or below, the fighter's Deflection bonus increases.

Defender icon Guardian Stance Modal Attack Targets:
The fighter adopts a more conservative combat strategy, concentrating on locking down enemies that stray too close. The fighter increases their number of Engagement targets and takes less damage for each he or she engages.

(Guardian Stance) - Enemies that disengage from the fighter are immediately attacked and proned, if successful.

Berserker stance icon Mob Stance Modal AoE (on scoring kill with Melee weapon):
  • Full Attack
The fighter changes to a more aggressive stance, apt for handling groups of enemies. While in this stance the fighter's kills with a melee weapon will trigger an instant Full Attack on a nearby enemy.

(Mob Stance) - Each nearby enemy reduces the fighter's recovery time between attacks.

6th Level Fighter Abilities
6 (VI) Clear out icon pe2 Clear Out Active 2 Discipline Target:
Sweeps the fighter's melee weapon in a large arc, making a Primary Attack on each foe and knocking them back and Prone.
Refreshing defense icon Refreshing Defense Active 2 Discipline Self:
The fighter becomes fiercely determined to deflect all incoming blows, dramatically increasing all Defenses for a short time.

(Refreshing Defense) - Each time the fighter takes damage, the duration extends.

7th Level Fighter Abilities
7 (VII) Pommel strike icon Power Strike Active 4 Discipline Target:
Attack Targets:
Strike an enemy with a powerful melee attack, dealing high damage and Stunning them. Foes behind the enemy are Staggered and take Raw damage.
Unbending shield icon Unbending Shield Active 2 Discipline Allied AoE:
  • 25% of Damage Taken converted into Healing for 15.0 sec
The fighter draws strength from their own indomitable spirit, causing them to regenerate a portion of the Health lost from each attack.

(Unbending Shield) - The fighter and their allies now also gain the Resolute Inspiration.

Unbending trunk icon Unbending Trunk Active 2 Discipline Self:
  • 33% of Damage Taken converted into Healing for 15.0 sec
The fighter draws strength from their own indomitable spirit, causing them to regenerate a portion of the Health lost from each attack.

(Unbending Trunk) - The fighter now recovers more health from each attack received.

8th Level Fighter Abilities
8 (VIII) Clean sweep icon Clean Sweep Active 2 Discipline Target:
Sweeps the fighter's melee weapon in a large arc, making a Primary Attack on each foe and knocking them back and Prone.

(Clean Sweep) - The fighter now hits all enemies around them with the attack.

Clear the path icon Clear the Path Active 2 Discipline Target:
Sweeps the fighter's melee weapon in a large arc, making a Primary Attack on each foe and knocking them back and Prone.

(Clear the Path) - The fighter will now push back all enemies in a line.

Inspired discipline icon Inspired Discipline Active 3 Discipline Self:
Gather your thoughts and channel your strength into a state of pure focused discipline, granting all first tier Inspirations for a short time. (Strong, Fit, Quick, Insightful, Smart, and Steadfast)
9th Level Fighter Abilities
9 (IX) Pommel counter icon Inspired Strike Active 4 Discipline Target:
Attack Targets:
Strike an enemy with a powerful melee attack, dealing high damage and Stunning them. Foes behind the enemy are Staggered and take Raw damage.

(Inspired Strike) - After the strike, receive the Acute and Swift Inspirations temporarily.

Sundering blow icon Sundering Blow Active 2 Discipline Target:
The fighter makes a Primary attack that gains bonus Penetration and lowers the target's Armor Ratings.
Take the hit icon Take the Hit Active 1 Discipline Allied AoE:
  • 50% of damage taken redirected to caster as Raw damage for 10.0 sec
The fighter interposes himself or herself between incoming attacks and nearby allies. The final damage total of any attack against a nearby ally is cut in half, with the fighter taking the other half as Raw damage.

Passive abilities[ | ]

Note: Includes both class-compatible and class-exclusive passives.
Level Ability Activation Cost Effects Description
Core Fighter Passives
Core Class fighter icon Black Jacket
(Black Jacket)
Passive Self:
  • -1 sec Weapon Change Recovery, +1 Weapon Sets
Fighters of the Black Jacket academies pride themselves on being skilled with a wide variety of weapons. Though the original school was founded in the Dyrwood, many sister academies have sprung up across the Eastern Reach and Old Empires. Former students of the Black Jacket often wear black brigandine as a sign of fellowship.
Class fighter icon Brilliant Tactician
Passive Self:
While all enemies are Flanked, and no allies are Flanked, gain the Brilliant Inspiration.
Constant recovery icon Constant Recovery
(Black Jacket)
Passive 1 per encounter Self:
  • +2 Health Restored per 3.0 sec for 45.0 sec
Charged by the rush of battle, the fighter will continually regenerate Health at a modest rate.

(Black Jacket) - Reduces the amount of health regenerated.

Constant recovery icon Constant Recovery Passive 1 per encounter Self:
  • +5 Health Restored per 3.0 sec for 45.0 sec
Charged by the rush of battle, the fighter will continually regenerate Health at a modest rate.
Class fighter icon Devoted
Passive Self:
  • +25% Crit damage with proficient weapons, +2 Penetration with proficient weapons, -10 Accuracy with non-proficient weapons
The Devoted are dedicated to the pursuit of a single weapon to the exclusion of all others. They are so attuned to the techniques of their chosen arms that other weapons feel bizarre and alien to them. Because of their extreme specialization, Devoted academies often consist of a single master or a tiny cadre of like-minded disciples.
Class fighter icon Shield Mastery
Passive Self:
Seasoned combat experience with a shield has taught you to better mitigate incoming attacks, gaining bonus Armor Rating while a shield is equipped.
Class fighter icon Tactical Dilemma
Passive Self:
While Flanked, become Shaken and Confused.
Class fighter icon Tactician
Passive Self:
  • +1 Discipline when successfully Interrupting an enemy action
  • -5 Accuracy, -1 Penetration while attacking a target that is not threatened by an ally
Those who can rally their wit in the heat of battle are known as "Tacticians." These warriors see all forms of combat as only pieces moving in play. Frequently assuming leadership positions within a structured military, Tacticians weaponize cleverness and sharpen experience.

Restore Discipline when successfully Interrupting an enemy action.

Gain Brilliant Tactician.

Penetration and Accuracy is reduced when attacking a target that is not threatened by an ally.

Gain Tactical Dilemma.

Class fighter icon Unbroken
Passive Self:
Unbroken fighters are glaciers of the battlefield: slow-moving, almost indestructible, and dangerous to circumvent. Often underestimated for their lack of mobility, the Unbroken have laid low countless foolhardy opponents on the battlefield. Unbroken academies tend to be somber, serious places, most common in similarly somber, serious nations such as Aedyr and Readceras.
1st Level Fighter Passives
1 (I) Ability passive utility icon Arms Bearer Passive Self:
  • +1 Weapon Sets
Gain an additional Weapon Set.
Ability passive reflex icon Fast Runner Passive Self:
  • +15% Stride, +5 Defense when Disengaging
The character becomes more fleet and nimble, increasing Stride and granting a defensive bonus against Disengagement Attacks.
Ability passive fortitude icon Monastic Unarmed Training Passive Self:
  • +5% Damage with Unarmed attacks, +2 Accuracy with Unarmed attacks, +1 Penetration with Unarmed attacks
Gain scaling effectiveness in Unarmed attacks. Though, not as effective as a Monk's unarmed strikes, benefit from Increased Accuracy, Damage, and Penetration as you gain levels.
2nd Level Fighter Passives
2 (II) Ability passive weapon icon Confident Aim Passive Self:
  • 30% of Grazes converted to Hits with proficient weapons
Steadies the fighter's arm, allowing them to convert Grazes to Hits on any attack made with a proficient weapon.
Ability passive defense icon Determination Passive Self:
The fighter gains bonus defense against Intellect, Perception, and Constitution Afflictions.
Ability passive accuracy icon One-Handed Style Passive Self:
While wielding a single one-handed weapon, some of the attacker's Hits are converted to Crits.
Ability passive attack speed icon Two Weapon Style Passive Self:
  • -15% Weapon Recovery Time when dual-wielding
Specialized training increases the character's Action Speed while using a weapon in each hand.
Ability passive attack icon Two-Handed Style Passive Self:
  • +15% Damage with two-handed weapons
Grants a Damage bonus while wielding a two-handed weapon.
Ability passive defense icon Weapon and Shield Style Passive Self:
Equipped shields' Deflection bonuses are increased and grant an equal bonus to the character's Reflex.
3rd Level Fighter Passives
3 (III) Ability passive fortitude icon Bear's Fortitude Passive Self:
Increases the character's Fortitude defense.
Ability passive will icon Bull's Will Passive Self:
Increases the character's Will defense.
Ability passive will icon Combat Focus Passive Self:
Gain Concentration at the start of each combat.
Ability passive utility icon Hold the Line Passive Self:
Grants the fighter one additional Engagement.
Constant recovery icon Rapid Recovery
(Black Jacket)
Passive 1 per encounter Self:
  • +3 Health Restored per 3.0 sec for 45.0 sec
Charged by the rush of battle, the fighter will continually regenerate Health at a modest rate.

(Black Jacket) - Reduces the amount of health regenerated.

(Rapid Recovery) - Increases the amount of health regenerated.

Constant recovery icon Rapid Recovery Passive 1 per encounter Self:
  • +7 Health Restored per 3.0 sec for 45.0 sec
Charged by the rush of battle, the fighter will continually regenerate Health at a modest rate.

(Rapid Recovery) - Increases the amount of health regenerated.

Ability passive reflex icon Snake's Reflexes Passive Self:
Increases the character's Reflex defense.
4th Level Fighter Passives
4 (IV) Ability passive fortitude icon Body Control Passive Self:
The fighter becomes resistant to Might Afflictions, (Staggered, Dazed, and Stunned).
Ability passive will icon Fearless Passive Self:
The fighter becomes resistant to Resolve Afflictions, (Shaken, Frightened, and Terrified).
Ability passive utility icon Quick Switch Passive Self:
Reduces the Recovery Time penalty when switching weapons.
Ability passive reflex icon Tumbling Passive Self:
  • +20 Defense when Disengaging
Gain additional defense against Disengagement attacks.
Ability passive reflex icon Unstoppable Passive Self:
The fighter becomes resistant to Dexterity Afflictions, (Hobbled, Immobilized, and Paralyzed).
Ability passive attack icon Weapon Specialization Passive Self:
  • +10% Damage with proficient weapons
Gives a damage bonus to the fighter's proficient weapons.
5th Level Fighter Passives
5 (V) Ability passive attack speed icon Armored Grace Passive Self:
The fighter is perfectly capable while wearing even bulky and restrictive suits of armor, lowering their Recovery Penalty from armor significantly.
Ability passive deflection icon Superior Deflection Passive Self:
Increases the character's Deflection defense.
Ability passive heart icon Tough Passive Self:
Increases the base maximum health that you gain with each level.
Ability passive weapon icon Uncanny Luck Passive Self:
Gain a small chance to completely avoid any attack and to convert some Hits to Critical Hits.
6th Level Fighter Passives
6 (VI) Ability passive attack icon Improved Critical Passive Self:
Increases the amount of damage dealt by Critical Hits.
Ability passive accuracy icon Overbearing Guard Passive Self:
  • +15 Accuracy with Disengagement attacks, +50% Damage with Disengagement attacks
The fighter's Disengagement attacks have greatly increased Accuracy and Damage.
Ability passive utility icon Reaping the Whirlwind Passive Self:
  • +1 max Discipline
The fighter's maximum Discipline increases.
Ability passive deflection icon Spell Resistance Passive Self:
  • 10% resistance against Spells
Grants a chance to completely resist the effects of a hostile spell.
7th Level Fighter Passives
7 (VII) Ability passive accuracy icon Accurate Empower Passive Self:
Empowered attacks gain increased Accuracy.
Ability passive attack speed icon Lasting Empower Passive Self:
  • +20% Affliction and Inspiration duration on Empowered attacks
Empowered attacks gain increased duration on Affliction and Inspiration effects.
Ability passive penetration icon Penetrating Empower Passive Self:
Empowered attacks gain increased Penetration.
Ability passive raw damage icon Potent Empower Passive Self:
  • +15% Damage with Empowered attacks
Empowered attacks gain increased Damage.
Unbroken icon Unbreakable Passive 1 per encounter Self:
The fighter refuses to be vanquished. After being knocked out, the fighter stands back up with a portion of their Health restored and temporary bonuses to all Defenses and Armor Ratings.
Ability passive attack icon Weapon Mastery Passive Self:
  • +5% Damage with proficient weapons
Gives a damage bonus to the fighter's proficient weapons.
8th Level Fighter Passives
8 (VIII) Ability passive defense icon Critical Defense Passive Self:
The fighter expends extra effort to repel the most savage blows, causing a percentage of all incoming Critical Hits to be converted to Hits.
Ability passive heart icon Great Soul Passive Self:
  • +1 max Empower points
Increases the maximum number of times Empower can be used before resting.
Ability passive utility icon Toughened Fury Passive Self:
  • 10% Chance to gain +1 Discipline when Critically Hit
The fighter has a small chance to gain Discipline each time they are critically hit.
9th Level Fighter Passives
9 (IX) Ability passive accuracy icon Chopping Wood Passive Self:
  • 100% of Hits converted to Crits with Empowered attacks
The fighter's Empowered attacks gain bonus Hit to Crit conversion.
Ability passive fortitude icon Prestige Passive Self:
Increases your Power Level, increasing the effectiveness of all abilities.
Unbroken icon Unrelenting Passive 1 per encounter Self:
The fighter refuses to be vanquished. After being knocked out, the fighter stands back up with a portion of their Health restored and temporary bonuses to all Defenses and Armor Ratings.

(Unrelenting) - When the fighter rises, he or she regains Discipline.
