Pillars of Eternity Wiki

Gathering Storm is a unique enchantment in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. It is applied to Lord Darryn's Voulge, a soulbound pollaxe.

Effect[ | ]

  • Casts a random Storm spell once per combat when under 50% Health

Enchantment tree[ | ]

Note: Only includes soulbound upgrades. All upgrades may be applied at once.
Static Thunder
(Barbarian only)
Static Charge
Storm Mastery
(Druid only)
Ball Lightning
Gathering Storm
(Fighter only)

Possible spells[ | ]

Spell Effects Chance
Blizzard icon Blizzard AoE:
6/28 (21.43%)
Returning storm icon Returning Storm Foe AoE:
7/28 (25.00%)
Hail storm icon Hail Storm AoE:
6/28 (21.43%)
Relentless storm icon Relentless Storm Foe AoE:
3/28 (10.71%)
Weather the storm icon Weather the Storm Friendly AoE:
3/28 (10.71%)
Avenging storm icon Avenging Storm Attack Targets:
  • Storm persists for 20.0 sec
1/28 (3.57%)
Storm of holy fire icon Storm of Holy Fire AoE:
1/28 (3.57%)
Tornado icon Tornado AoE:
1/28 (3.57%)

Items with Gathering Storm enchantment[ | ]

Icon Name Item type Enchantments