Pillars of Eternity Wiki
Pillars of Eternity Wiki

Heart of White March is a quest item and gem in Pillars of Eternity.

Description[ | ]

Items in italics are quoted directly from the game.

The Heart of White March is a priceless jewel known for its pale glow and named after the equally famous mountain range it was discovered in. Jewels like this were once believed to attract dragons.

Acquisition[ | ]

  • Reymont Manor: Upper floor, in a hidden store room to the northeast (chest is trapped).

Usage[ | ]

  • The gem is central to the quest A Two Story Job. It is owned by Lord Reymont, and Abrecan Doemenel plots to steal it. It is expected to sell to The Dozens or the Crucible Knights so that they may buy the friendship of the dwarves of the White March, however the Doemenels don't want either faction to gain such powerful allies. You may choose to steal it for the Domenels, or inform Reymont of the plot.

Trivia[ | ]

  • Despite numerous references to the "Heart of the White March", the actual item doesn't contain the word "the" in its name.
