Pillars of Eternity Wiki
Ignato Castol
Portrait director castol convo
PE2 Director Castol
Biography and appearance
Game Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
Race Ocean human
Gender Male
Culture The Vailian Republics
Faction Vailian Trading Company
Class Rogue
Level 16
  • Health: 219
Accuracy 82 / 73
Penetration 9 / 10
Defenses Def: 67 Fort: 68 Ref: 85 Will: 83
DR 3
Elemental DR Slash: 3
Pierce: 3
Crush: 3
Shock: 3
Freeze: 3
Burn: 3
Corrode: 3
Abilities Fighting Spirit, Sneak Attack, Backstab, Crippling Strike, Escape, Dirty Fighting, Gouging Strike, Shadowing Beyond, Break the Bell, Deep Wounds, Eliminating Blow, Pierce the Bell, Ring the Bell, Perishing Strike, Sap, Deathblows
Location Vailian Trading Company Headquarters
Quests Terms of Trade
Dirty Laundry
Of Like Minds
A Vote of No Confidence
Body Vailian Clothing
Weapon Set Exceptional Rapier
Fine Stiletto
Internal Name
GUID 7e00539d-075a-4049-8acc-ba9ca8a6335e

Ignato Castol is a character in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire.

Background[ | ]

Items in italics are quoted directly from the game.

The man who rises to greet you has a tidy, scholarly bearing only emphasized by the thin-framed lenses he pushes farther up his nose.

He clasps his hands together, offering you a smile equal parts polite and relieved.

The head of the VTC, Director Castol heads all Vailian Trading Company operations in the Deadfire. Castol is an idealist who believes that luminous adra can be used to not merely improve life, but to truly remake the world and make all of kith free from disease, suffering, perhaps even invent teleportation...? He might not live to see all this come to fruition, but he can certainly lay the groundwork.

Interactions[ | ]

Icon parchment
This character starts quests.
Icon dialogue
This character is involved in quests.

Quests[ | ]
