Llensi's Dwelling is a location in Hearthsong. It is one of three accessible houses in Hearthsong, being the rightmost of the two houses in Builders' Hearth.
Background[ | ]
This simple Glanfathan house has been erected among Engwithan ruins, and is the residence of Llensî a local herbalist and healer.
Points of interest[ | ]
- Llensi's bird is in a "cage" just as you enter, and can be taken for the quest Songs of the Wild.
Characters[ | ]
- Llensî, herbalist, healer, birdkeeper.
Loot[ | ]
Note: For a complete list of random loot found in Llensi's Dwelling, see here.
Chest (Locked, Difficulty 9):
- Flask of War Paint
- Random gem (Gem_12_100)