Pillars of Eternity Wiki

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/* Responsive main page stuff */
/* Main menu styles *

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/* Yeah, using display: table makes for a lot of extra markup, but it makes proportionate sizing and vertical centering a lot easier, so going with it */
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/* ---- image and galleries ---- */

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/* ===== Navigation boxes =====*/
/* Default style for navigation boxes */
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    /* @noflip */
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/* ===== Default styling for Navbar template =====*/
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/* Navbar styling when nested in infobox and navbox */
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/* ===== Infobox Styles ===== */

/* OLD - Used in Template:Infobox, Template:Infobox/row, and Template:Infobox2 */
/* Currently only used in NPC_infobox */

.infobox {
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/* Infobox-Icons */
div.icons {
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div.icons img,
div.icons span {
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div.icons span {
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div.icons img {
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/* end Infobox-Icons */

/* === Colitem === */

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/* Map background images from Common.css */

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