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Pillars of Eternity Wiki

Naasitaq Poetry: A Compilation is a book in Pillars of Eternity.

Description[ | ]

Items in italics are quoted directly from the game.

"'The Expedition'

I move.
There is no compulsion. It is not a need.
But something pulls.
I cannot deny its draw.

The white wends out past my vision.
Its fierce eyes watch me as I move.
The wolf tracks my step.
A silent companion who will not join.

All is blank. The pale expanse lies before and behind.

I search.
The miles pass and still my feet move.
My hunt continues unabated.
The landscape returns my gaze, unaffected by my presence.

The snow falls, needles driven by the wind.
Its cold teeth bite my skin.
The snow gathers, its hands around my feet,
A fierce opponent who will not relent.

All is white. My journey continues.

I travel.
I can no longer stop. A true compulsion forms.
The need drives me on.
I must see.

The sun breaks through the gray.
Its unrelenting gaze thaws me.
My body warms under its touch,
Frigid limbs move again and carry me farther.

All is empty. The breadth of existence is my destination."

Acquisition[ | ]

Random loot[ | ]

Containers with loot containing Naasitaq Poetry: A Compilation
LocationContainerFixedRandom loot (amount on each day of month)?
Command PostPoint-icon
Crucible KeepPoint-icon
Doemenel ManorPoint-icon
Dyrford RuinsPoint-icon
Galvino's WorkshopPoint-icon
Lumdala's HousePoint-icon
Purnisc's HousePoint-icon
Raedric's Hold DungeonsPoint-iconPoint-icon
Raedric's KeepPoint-icon
Temple of EothasPoint-icon
The Halls of PresencePoint-icon
The Salty MastPoint-icon
Item statistics 
Number of containers17 of 1413 (1.2%) - 5 fixed, 12 random
Item probability0.4% (113 of 28260 possible outcomes)
Maximum available items17 (in 17 occurrences)
Minimum available items5 (in 5 occurrences)
Best day(s)4th, 11th, 17th (2)
Worst day(s)-
Best container(s) by probabilityShelf (2 occurrences)
Best container(s) by quantity-
