Pillars of Eternity Wiki
Pillars of Eternity Wiki

This article is about the amulet in Pillars of Eternity. For the amulet in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire, see Necklace of Fireballs (Deadfire).

Necklace of Fireballs is an amulet in Pillars of Eternity.

Description[ | ]

Items in italics are quoted directly from the game.

Amulets are most often gems, medallions, or other items worn around the neck. While some serve a purely ornamental purpose, many are imbued with charms and spells to aid the wearer. Torcs are stiff rings worn around the neck. Like amulets, they often have magical properties.

Acquisition[ | ]

Random loot[ | ]

Containers with loot containing Necklace of Fireballs
LocationContainerFixedRandom loot (amount on each day of month)?
Blood SandsPoint-icon
Breith EamanPoint-iconPoint-icon
Burial IslePoint-icon
Command PostPoint-icon
Crägholdt BluffsPoint-icon
Dyrford RuinsPoint-iconPoint-iconPoint-iconPoint-icon
Elmshore CavePoint-iconPoint-icon
Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 12Point-iconPoint-iconPoint-iconPoint-icon
Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 13Point-icon
Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 14Point-iconPoint-iconPoint-icon
Galvino's WorkshopPoint-icon
Lle a RhemenPoint-iconPoint-iconPoint-icon
Searing Falls CavePoint-icon
The FoundryPoint-iconPoint-icon
Item statistics 
Number of containers17 of 1413 (1.2%) - 0 fixed, 17 random
Item probability0.11% (32 of 28260 possible outcomes)
Maximum available items17 (in 17 occurrences)
Minimum available items0 (in 0 occurrences)
Best day(s)7th (7)
Worst day(s)2nd, 4th, 9th, 12th, 15th (0)
Best container(s) by probabilityChest, Bone Pile (4 occurrences)
Best container(s) by quantity-
