Pillars of Eternity Wiki

Odeyna Fyrgest is a stronghold visitor in Pillars of Eternity. She can be found in the Great Hall of Caed Nua, visiting the stronghold as a random event.

Background[ | ]

A veteran of the Saint's War, Odeyna made a name for herself and is commonly considered as a hero among the people and particularly the Dozens. Unfortunately, the things she did prevent her from sleeping at night and what little rest she does get is constantly interrupted by one Dozens scheme or another. Finally, she petitions the Watcher as the lord of Caed Nua, for help.

Interactions[ | ]

Icon compass
This character is related to Caed Nua management or events.

Asks the Watcher to help her escape her past
Grants +5 Prestige, +5 Security while at the keep

Icon gears
This character has other interactions.
  • The Steward of Caed Nua refers to Odeyna as "he" if you allow Odeyna to stay.

Stronghold[ | ]

Odeyna Fyrgest, a hero of the Saint's War, has arrived at the stronghold. She has asked for an audience with you.

Visits for 9 days

  • Let her stay → Odeyna Fyrgest stays at keep longer
  • Give her Copper pands (cp)5,000 for the move out of the Dyrwood → +1 Prestige
  • Ask The Dozens to back off (Requires Dozens positive 2) → +1 Prestige
  • You shouldn't hide from your past
    • Then tell her to tough it out [Stoic] → Nothing
    • Call her an ingrate for being upset at praise [Cruel] → -1 Prestige
  • Have Edér talk to her about his experiences in the war → +1 Prestige, Edér busy for 5 days
    Edér is speaking with Odeyna Fyrgest about their experiences in the war.
    After spending some time together, Edér was able to help Odeyna Fyrgest reconcile with her past.
  • Have Maneha teach her to overcome → +1 Prestige, Maneha busy for 5 days
    Maneha is teaching Odeyna Fyrgest the ways of Ondra, and how best to unburden oneself of one's past.
    Maneha was able to help Odeyna Fyrgest overcome her turmoil. Odeyna Fyrgest appears to have found some peace.

Notes[ | ]
