Pillars of Eternity Wiki
Pillars of Eternity Wiki

Skaenite Scripture is a book in Pillars of Eternity, it is about the deity Skaen.

Description[ | ]

Items in italics are quoted directly from the game.

Feel thy hatred twist within thee.
Feed thyself on its bile, sustain thyself on its anger.
This hatred, this bile, this anger - these shall be the tools for thy rebellion.

Let thine heart seethe.
There is no satisfaction in open confrontation.
Hide thine hatred, let it grow that it may fester.
Make thy plots in secret
The Quiet Slave stays in the shadows, his face seeks not the light.
In darkness doth he work.
In darkness doth he move.

Rebel against those that seek to control thee.
Rebel against those that wish to remove thee."

Acquisition[ | ]

  • Dyrford Ruins: Hidden in the corner of the central room in the western wing of the cultists quarters.
  • Dyrford Ruins: In the room with the bookcases to the west of the blood pool.
  • Random loot item spawning in various locations (9×)

Random loot[ | ]

Containers with loot containing Skaenite Scripture
LocationContainerFixedRandom loot (amount on each day of month)?
Crucible KeepPoint-icon
Dyrford RuinsPoint-icon
Galvino's WorkshopPoint-iconPoint-icon
Hadret HousePoint-icon
Hall of WarriorsPoint-icon
Icantha's HousePoint-icon
Purnisc's HousePoint-icon
Raedric's Hold DungeonsPoint-icon
Raedric's Hold SanctuaryPoint-icon
Raedric's KeepPoint-icon
Scriveners' DormitoryPoint-icon
Teir NownethPoint-iconPoint-icon
Temple of EothasPoint-icon
The Salty MastPoint-icon
Item statistics 
Number of containers20 of 1413 (1.42%) - 3 fixed, 17 random
Item probability0.28% (79 of 28260 possible outcomes)
Maximum available items20 (in 20 occurrences)
Minimum available items3 (in 3 occurrences)
Best day(s)15th (3)
Worst day(s)-
Best container(s) by probabilityBookcase, Table (2 occurrences)
Best container(s) by quantity-
