Pillars of Eternity Wiki

In response to patch v1. to Pillars of Eternity (June 6, 2024), the random loot tables shown on the wiki have been updated. These changes may take time to propegate.

As a result, random loot data is no longer accurate to old versions of the game, including all console ports. We'll be working to provide a mechanism to switch between pre-patch and post-patch loot for console players.


Pillars of Eternity Wiki

Status effects are abnormal states that may have positive or negative effects on party members' or creatures' attributes or actions. They can be gained from abilities, spells, potions, items, enemies, traps, etc. and can be healed by resting, certain ability/spells, or will heal automatically after some time.

In Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire, attribute-affecting status effects are grouped by the attribute that they affect. Each attribute has 3 positive Inspirations, and 3 negative Afflictions, each with an increasing level of effect. Generally, all inspirations and afflictions give ±5 points to the attribute they apply to, with the 2nd and 3rd level effects applying more buffs/debuffs to the player than the last.

In addition to these, many of the same effects from Pillars of Eternity have carried over to Deadfire, albeit with different stat changes.

Most status effects appear in the character sheet under "Current Effects". Permanent status effects are always applied through passive abilities, and appear in the "Abilities" section.

Negative effects[ | ]

Afflictions[ | ]

Afflictions are an overarching category covering status effects that have negative effects on the player.

Gaining an Affliction will cancel out any Inspiration that affect the same attribute, regardless of the tier. When this occurs, the existing Inspiration is removed and the new Affliction will not be applied. This also occurs vice versa, when an Inspiration is applied on top of an existing Affliction. For example a character that is Tenacious (a tier 2 Might Inspiration) that gains Staggered (a tier 1 Might Affliction) will lose Tenacious instead of applying Staggered.

Higher tier Afflictions will override a lower tier one, and if the target is already suffering from a more powerful Affliction, then the newer Affliction will have no effect. If the target is suffering from an affliction of the same tier, the duration is set to whichever is higher, the newer effect or the current time on the existing effect.

Items in italics are quoted directly from the game.

Afflictions are groups of negative effects that can be applied to a character. Most Afflictions are grouped by Attribute. E.g. Hobbled and Immobilized are both Dexterity Afflictions.

Attribute Afflictions can be easily countered by a corresponding Attribute Inspiration, which also grants immunity to that category of Afflictions. E.g. any Dexterity Affliction can be removed by the Quick, Nimble, or Swift Inspirations.

Some characters are completely immune to one or more Afflictions. If a character has Resistance to a category of Afflictions, incoming Afflictions of that type are downgraded in power. Resistance grants complete immunity to the weakest Afflictions of that Attribute.

E.g. wood elves have Resistance to Dexterity Afflictions. A wood elf hit by an Immobilized effect would instead be Hobbled. If that elf were hit by a Hobbled effect, it wouldn't apply at all.

Affliction Coressponding


Con neg icon
Constitution Afflictions
Con neg 1 icon Sickened Con pos 1 icon Fit -5 Constitution, -25% Healing Received
Con neg 2 icon Weakened Con pos 2 icon Hardy -5 Constitution, -50% Healing Received
Con neg 3 icon Enfeebled Con pos 3 icon Robust -5 Constitution, +50% Hostile Effect duration, -100% Healing done
Dex neg icon
Dexterity Afflictions
Dex neg 1 icon Hobbled Dex pos 1 icon Quick -5 Dexterity, Cannot run
Dex neg 2 icon Immobilized Dex pos 2 icon Nimble -5 Dexterity, Cannot move
Dex neg 3 icon Paralyzed Dex pos 3 icon Swift -5 Dexterity, Paralyzed, 25% of incoming Hits converted to Crits, cannot be interrupted
Dex neg 3 icon Petrified Dex pos 3 icon Swift Same as Paralyzed, but with a different visual
Mig neg icon
Might Afflictions
Mig neg 1 icon Staggered Mig pos 1 icon Strong -5 Might, Cannot engage enemies
Mig neg 2 icon Dazed Mig pos 2 icon Tenacious -5 Might, Cannot engage enemies, -4 Penetration
Mig neg 3 icon Stunned Mig pos 3 icon Energized -5 Might, -4 Penetration, Stunned (Can't take actions), -10 Deflection
Int neg icon
Intellect Afflictions
Int neg 1 icon Confused Int pos 1 icon Smart -5 Intellect, Attacks (and abilities) hit friendly and hostile characters
Int neg 2 icon Charmed Int pos 2 icon Acute -5 Intellect, Alliance flipped, Cannot use active abilities
Int neg 3 icon Dominated Int pos 3 icon Brilliant -5 Intellect, Alliance flipped (can cast active abilities on allies)
Per neg icon
Perception Afflictions
Per neg 1 icon Distracted Per pos 1 icon Insightful -5 Perception, Flanked (-10 Deflection, -1 Armor Rating)
Per neg 2 icon Disoriented Per pos 2 icon Aware -5 Perception, +50% Recovery Time (or +50% Initiative in Turn-based mode), Flanked (-10 Deflection, -1 Armor Rating),
Per neg 3 icon Blinded Per pos 3 icon Intuitive -5 Perception, +50% Recovery Time (or +50% Initiative in Turn-based mode), Flanked (-10 Deflection, -1 Armor Rating), -10 Accuracy, -50% Range, Immune to Gaze attacks, Cannot use Gaze attacks
Res neg icon
Resolve Afflictions
Res neg 1 icon Shaken Res pos 1 icon Steadfast -5 Resolve, -3 All Power Levels
Res neg 2 icon Frightened Res pos 2 icon Resolute -5 Resolve, -3 All Power Levels, Cannot use Hostile abilities
Res neg 3 icon Terrified Res pos 3 icon Courageous -5 Resolve, -3 All Power Levels, Terrified (Can take no action other than to flee)


Weakness to a type of affliction causes all applied afflictions of that type to affect the character worse, causing more detriment than usual. This is accomplished by upgrading the incoming affliction to the next tier. Incoming tier 3 afflictions are unchanged.

Items in italics are quoted directly from the game.

Characters that are weak to a type of Affliction will upgrade any Afflictions of that type applied to them by one tier. For example, a character who is weak to Might Afflictions would upgrade a Staggered to a Dazed, or a Dazed to a Stunned.


Resistance to a type of affliction causes all applied afflictions of that type to be lessened in effect, causing less harm than usual. As the opposite of a Weakness, this is accomplished by downgrading the incoming affliction to one lower tier. Incoming tier 1 afflictions are cancelled out, and will fail to apply to the character.

Items in italics are quoted directly from the game.

Characters that are resistant to a type of Affliction will downgrade any Afflictions of that type applied to them by one tier. For example, a character with resistance to Might Afflictions would downgrade Stunned to Dazed. A Dazed Affliction would be downgraded to Staggered, and a Staggered Affliction would fail to apply.

Other afflictions[ | ]

These are negative effects that don't fit into the other categories. They are removed on rest, or are only applied to the character under certain conditions. See permanent effects below for negative permanent effects.

Name Effect(s) Notes
Ico status burden of memory Burden of Memory A curse applied to the Watcher if they broke their promise to Rymrgand (in Teir Evron during Council of Stars, after Into the White Void) and didn't disintegrate the souls in the quest Memories of the Ancients during the events of Pillars of Eternity.

This is only applied after the dialogue with Rymrgand during A Glimpse Beyond. Is automatically removed after at least 15 rests (70% chance that a rest counts towards this value)

Ico bonded grief Bonded Grief
Items in italics are quoted directly from the game.

Rangers share a literal life bond with their animal companions. When one is wounded, the can sense it and feel intense emotional pain. If a ranger or animal companion are knocked unconscious, the partner suffers from Bonded Grief, affecting Accuracy and other stats, until the downed ally is revived. If a ranger is ever killed, the animal companion immediately dies from grief.

Ico status flanked Flanked Combat affliction, applied to the target of an attack, when two opponents are attacking from opposite directions. Also leaves the target vulnerable to sneak attacks. If either of the attackers break engagement, the Flanked affliction is removed.
Hangover icon Hangover
  • -3 All Defenses
  • -1 All Skills
  • -10% Max Health
Applied on rest after consuming an alcoholic drink. Can be removed either by resting with any food or drink (including alcohol), or by resting at an inn.
Ico status prone Prone A type of Interrupt and character state in which the character is knocked to the floor and cannot move or take any actions for a duration. The animation duration is 1.0 seconds, after which the character takes a further 2.0 seconds to stand up.

In turn-based mode is is applied as a status effect, and lasts until the next round.

Items in italics are quoted directly from the game.

Prone is a more effective Interrupt effect that knocks a character off their feet, taking longer for them to regain their footing.

Unconscious Combat "affliction" applied when a party member's health is reduced to zero.
Hangover icon Unforgettable Hangover
  • -3 All Defenses
  • -1 All Skills
  • -10% Max HP
  • Sickened
Dex neg icon Slog Zone
  • Cannot run.
Applied by environmental hazards such as water, mud, bog and quicksand.
Ico status beraths wrath Berath's Wrath A curse applied to the Watcher if they broke their promise to Berath (in Teir Evron during Council of Stars, after A Servant of Death) and didn't send the souls back to the cycle in the quest Memories of the Ancients during the events of Pillars of Eternity.

This is only applied when approaching the Temple of Berath in The Sacred Stair district of Neketaka. It is automatically removed after killing 75 enemies.

Injuries[ | ]

Items in italics are quoted directly from the game.

Injuries are long-term afflictions. "Long-term" means they last until the character rests and consumes Food. Injuries are typically gained through scripted interactions or by being Knocked Out in combat. If a character has three Injuries and would receive another, they are Killed.

Injuries can be afflicted by failing skill checks during scripted interactions, or upon being knocked out in combat. Injuries gained in combat are selected semi-randomly from the following list. Being knocked out by Fire, Frost or Shock damage tends to cause its corresponding injury.

  • Injuries are represented with a blood drop icon (HudInjury active) on the left side of the character's portrait, and in the character sheet under "Current Effects".
  • If more than one of the same injury is applied, instead of doubling-up, the injuries "Major Injury" (2), "Critical Injury" (3) and "Maimed" are usually substituted.
  • If the character has 3 injuries, and receives another, they can be killed. This does not occur for injuries applied via scripted interactions, with few exceptions (such as Hohonu Lagoon)
  • Injuries cannot kill the player if the game is set to "Story Time" difficulty.
Injury Effect(s) Notes
Injury severe burn Acute Rash Via Corrode damage
Injury bruised ribs Bruised Ribs Via Crush, and all types of damage.
Injury concussion Concussion Via Crush damage, and scripted interactions (e.g. knock to the head)
Ico status maimed Critical Injury
  • 100% of Crits converted to Hits
  • -20 All Defenses
  • -15% Max Health
Substituted if three injuries of the same type are applied
Fatigue minor Fatigue
  • -5 Accuracy
  • -10 All Defenses
  • -15% Max Health
Scripted interaction (e.g. overexertion)
Injury frostbite Frostbite Via Freeze damage
Injury severe wound Gaping Wound
  • -25% Healing received
  • -15% Max Health
Via Slash / Pierce / Raw damage
Injury wrenched shoulder Lingering Frailty
  • -3 Dexterity
  • -15 All Defenses
  • -15% Max Health
Via Corrode damage
Ico status maimed Major Injury
  • 50% of Crits converted to Hits
  • -2 Penetration
  • -15% Max Health
Substituted if two injuries of the same type are applied
Ico status maimed Maimed
  • -10 Accuracy
  • -15 All Defenses
  • -10 Max Health
Injury severe burn Serious Burn Via Burn damage
Injury smashed hands Smashed Hands
  • +20% Recovery Time
Scripted interaction (e.g. dropped something heavy on hands)
Injury sprained wrist Sprained Wrist Scripted interaction (e.g. overexertion)
Injury swollen eye Swollen Eye Via Crush damage
Injury system shock System Shock Via Shock damage
Injury twisted ankle Twisted Ankle Scripted interaction (e.g. poor reflexes)
Injury wrenched knee Wrenched Knee
  • -25% Move Speed
Scripted interaction (e.g. overexertion or Impaling Spike Trap)
Injury wrenched shoulder Wrenched Shoulder Scripted interaction (e.g. overexertion)

Crew injuries[ | ]

Curses[ | ]

Curses are a unique negative status effect that are applied by Sigils when a character steps within 8-10m of them. Most curses can be stacked up to 5 times. To avoid being cursed, the most effective move is to destroy the obelisk from a range. Otherwise, you can also use a sigil's Wardstone, which allows you to move past without being affected - removing any current curses in the process.

Note: Effects need verification.
Curse Effects Sigil Wardstone
Curse of atrophy Curse of Atrophy -2 Might, stacks 5 times. Sigil of Atrophy Poe2 sigil of weakness iconSigil of Atrophy Wardstone
Curse of darkness Curse of Darkness -5 Accuracy, stacks 5 times. Sigil of Darkness Poe2 sigil of blindness iconSigil of Darkness Wardstone
Curse of mortality Curse of Mortality Applies affliction Gaping Wound, damage (?) Sigil of Death Poe2 sigil of weakness iconSigil of Death Wardstone
Curse of doubt Curse of Nightmares -2 Resolve for 30.0 sec when damaged, stacks 15 times Sigil of Nightmares Poe2 sigil of fear iconSigil of Nightmares Wardstone
Curse of pain Curse of Pain +5% incoming Damage, stacks 5 times. Sigil of Pain Poe2 sigil of pain iconSigil of Pain Wardstone

Positive effects[ | ]

Inspirations[ | ]

Inspirations are temporary buffs to attributes in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. They can be gained through the use of abilities.

Gaining an Inspiration will cancel out any Afflictions that affect the same attribute, regardless of the tier. When this occurs, the existing Affliction is removed and the new Inspiration will not be applied. This also occurs vice versa, when an Affliction is applied on top of an existing Inspiration. For example a character that is Dazed (a tier 2 Might Affliction) that gains Strong (a tier 1 Might Inspiration) will lose Dazed instead of applying Strong.

Higher tier Inspirations will override a lower tier one, and if the target is already benefiting from a more powerful Inspiration, then the newer Inspiration will have no effect. If the target is benefiting from an Inspiration of the same tier, the duration is set to whichever is higher; the duration of the newer effect or the current time on the existing effect.

Items in italics are quoted directly from the game.

Inspirations, like Afflictions, are groups of effects that are applied to characters. Unlike Afflictions, Inspirations provide positive benefits to the character they are applied to.

Each Inspiration is categorized by an Attribute, such as Might or Dexterity. Inspirations counter and grant immunity to any and all Afflictions of the corresponding Attribute. E.g. the Smart Inspiration cancels and removes the Confused, Charmed, and Dominated Afflictions.

Inspiration Corresponding


Con pos icon
Constitution Inspirations
Con pos 1 icon Fit Con neg 1 icon Sickened +5 Constitution
Con pos 2 icon Hardy Con neg 2 icon Weakened +5 Constitution, +2 Armor Rating
Con pos 3 icon Robust Con neg 3 icon Enfeebled +5 Constitution, +2 Armor Rating, +10 Health Restored per 3.0 sec
Dex pos icon
Dexterity Inspirations
Dex pos 1 icon Quick Dex neg 1 icon Hobbled +5 Dexterity
Dex pos 2 icon Nimble Dex neg 2 icon Immobilized +5 Dexterity, +100% Stride
Dex pos 3 icon Swift Dex neg 3 icon Paralyzed +5 Dexterity, +100% Stride, Immune to Engagement
Mig pos icon
Might Inspirations
Mig pos 1 icon Strong Mig neg 1 icon Staggered +5 Might
Mig pos 2 icon Tenacious Mig neg 2 icon Dazed +5 Might, +2 Penetration
Mig pos 3 icon Energized Mig neg 3 icon Stunned +5 Might, +2 Penetration, Interrupt enemies on Crit
Int pos icon
Intellect Inspirations
Int pos 1 icon Smart Int neg 1 icon Confused +5 Intellect
Int pos 2 icon Acute Int neg 2 icon Charmed +5 Intellect, +1 All Power Levels
Int pos 3 icon Brilliant Int neg 3 icon Dominated +5 Intellect, +1 All Power Levels, +1 of all class resources per 6.0 sec.
Per pos icon
Perception Inspirations
Per pos 1 icon Insightful Per neg 1 icon Distracted +5 Perception
Per pos 2 icon Aware Per neg 2 icon Disoriented +5 Perception, 50% of Grazes converted to Hits
Per pos 3 icon Intuitive Per neg 3 icon Blinded +5 Perception, 50% of Grazes converted to Hits, 25% of Hits converted to Crits
Res pos icon
Resolve Inspirations
Res pos 1 icon Steadfast Res neg 1 icon Shaken +5 Resolve
Res pos 2 icon Resolute Res neg 2 icon Frightened +5 Resolve, Concentration per 6.0 sec
Res pos 3 icon Courageous Res neg 3 icon Terrified +5 Resolve, Concentration per 6.0 sec, Cannot be Interrupted

Resting bonuses[ | ]

Rest bonuses are gained from resting at certain rooms in inns. For the most part, the bonuses gained last until the next rest.

Location Inn Room Effect(s) Cost Notes
Port Maje - Port Maje Harbor The Kraken's Eye,
Portmaje room 02 Bloody Mess Copper pires (cp)50 Depending on the outcome of The Better Man
Portmaje room 01 Skipper's Stay Copper pires (cp)50
Neketaka - Queen's Berth The Wild Mare,
Room mare 01 Backstage Storage Room - Copper pires (cp)0
Room mare 02 Private Dance
  • +1 casts with level 1 spells
  • +1 All Skills
Copper pires (cp)200
Room mare 03 Konstanten's Massage
  • +3 Dexterity
  • 30% Chance to reflect against spells
Copper pires (cp)800 Only if Konstanten is currently recruited.
Neketaka - Periki's Overlook Luminous Bathhouse,
Room bathhouse 01 Moistened Cove Copper pires (cp)200
Room bathhouse 02 The Bathyal Drop
  • +2 Health per 6.0 sec
  • +1 Max Power Pool
Copper pires (cp)400
Room bathhouse 03 The Abyss
  • +25% Beneficial Effect duration
  • +10% Area of Effect
Copper pires (cp)800
Neketaka - The Gullet The Hole,
Room slums 01 Stowaway Stay - Copper pires (cp)0
Room slums 02 Forger's Fancy Copper pires (cp)100
Dunnage The King's Coffin,
Jacob Harker
Room wealth01 The Bilge Pump - Copper pires (cp)0
Room wealth02 Sailor's Berth
  • +10% Max Health
  • +1 Engagement limit
Copper pires (cp)200
Room wealth03 Officer's Quarters Copper pires (cp)400
Room wealth04 Captain's Cabin Copper pires (cp)800
Tikawara Tikawara,
Room huana 01 Roparu's Mat - Copper pires (cp)0
Room huana 02 Gentle Breeze
  • +2 Resolve
  • -25% Hostile effect duration
Copper pires (cp)400
Room huana 03 Ocean's Song Copper pires (cp)800
The Dead Floe - Harbingers' Watch Tip of the Iceberg,
Harbinger Valbrendhür
Slums room 01 Fur Pile - Copper pires (cp)0
Slums room 02 Fireside Bed Copper pires (cp)200
Kazuwari - Temple of Toamowhai Arena Barracks,
Room the hammocks The Hammocks - Copper pires (cp)10
Room seeker The Archives
(Seeker's Study)
Copper pires (cp)200
Room slayer The Gymnasium
(Slayer's Lounge)
  • +2 Might
  • +1 Engagement Limit
Copper pires (cp)200
Room survivor The Larder
(Survivor's Den)
Copper pires (cp)200
The Black Isles - Temple of Revelation The Sleeping Kith,
Drowsy Puke [FS]
Room sleeping kith light snooze Light Snooze
  • +10% Max Health
Copper pires (cp)100
Room sleeping kith deep slumber Deep Slumber
  • +10 Will
  • 5% resistance against Spells
Copper pires (cp)250
Room sleeping kith Entrancing Daze Entrancing Daze Copper pires (cp)500 Only if the collections have been unlocked, and you have returned Recipe - Entrancing Daze to Drowsy Puke
Room sleeping kith Invigorating Nightmares Invigorating Nightmares Copper pires (cp)500 Only if the archives have been unlocked, and you have returned Recipe - Invigorating Nightmares to Drowsy Puke

Prostitute bonuses[ | ]

Can be gained by engaging in certain "services" with associated NPC's.

Note: This list is incomplete, please click "Edit" above to add any missing effects!
Name Location Cost Effect(s)
Aenalys' Boon Aenalys, The Wild Mare Copper pires (cp)100
Konstanten's Boon Konstanten, The Wild Mare Copper pires (cp)250
Rabyuna's Boon Rabyuna, The Wild Mare Copper pires (cp)300
Ymir's Boon Ymir, The Wild Mare Copper pires (cp)150
Cabin Boy's Relaxation Therapy Cabin Boy, The King's Coffin Copper pires (cp)200
Irwena's Mature Experience Irwena, The King's Coffin Copper pires (cp)50
  • +1 All Skills
  • Cannot be engaged by lower-level enemies

Misc bonuses[ | ]

List of temporary miscellaneous bonuses and their effects. These bonuses will last until the next rest.

Note: This list is incomplete, please click "Edit" above to add any missing effects!
Bonus Effect(s) Acquisition
Adratic Glow
  • +1 max Empower points
  • Depending on class:
    • Barbarian: +1 max Rage
    • Chanter: +1 Casts with Level 1 Chanter spells
    • Cipher: +1 Casts with Level 1 Cipher spells
    • Druid: +1 Casts with Level 1 Druid spells
    • Fighter: +1 max Discipline
    • Monk: +1 max Mortification
    • Paladin: +1 max Zeal
    • Priest: +1 Casts with Level 1 Priest spells
    • Ranger: +1 max Bond
    • Rogue: +1 max Guile
    • Wizard: +1 Casts with Level 1 Wizard spells
Bathe in the Luminous Bathhouse waters (pay Copper pires (cp)900 to Copper pires (cp)2,000 to the Bathhouse steward)
Alchemic Brawn Outcast's Respite
Alchemic Guile
Alchemic Wits
Amira's Blessing Burning house scripted event while in Neketaka (level 7 only): You see a billowing cloud of smoke behind the houses ahead of you.

Can be added through the console: ApplyStatusEffect Player_"name" Shrine_Hylea

Dawnstar's Blessing
  • +50% Healing done
  • +2 Religion
Waenglith in Port Maje.
Fortune: Determination Fortune teller Nisanga encounter in Neketaka (only after all unlocking all 6 districts).

Seems to be Cut content, as starting the encounter with LaunchRandomEncounter errors out, and the associated conversation files do not exist.

Fortune: Endurance
Fortune: Ferocity
Fortune: Forethought
Fortune: Guile
Fortune: Intuition
Galawain's Blessing Cut shrine blessing

Can be added through the console: ApplyStatusEffect Player_"name" Shrine_Galawain

Good Food, Better Friends Resting at the camp in the Shadowed Vale scripted interaction. Also, resting at the camp in the Lowland Sands scripted interaction.

Can be added through the console: ApplyStatusEffect Player_"name" rest_campsite_adventurers

Magran's Blessing
  • +2 Burn Armor Rating
  • Applies Strong upon being critically hit.
He Waits In Fire quest, ally yourself with the Rathun instead of fighting them.
Nature's Resolve Toaku Biwha Trail scripted interaction. Gained by eating the mushroom cap given to you by the delemgan as a peace offering.

Can be added through the console: ApplyStatusEffect Player_"name" Boon_Natures_Resolve

Ngati's Blessing Teo Ramunga scripted interaction

Can be added through the console: ApplyStatusEffect Player_"name" Shrine_Ondra

Rikuhu's Blessing Kābara Reku Shrine or Bleakrock Shrine scripted interaction.

Can be added through the console: ApplyStatusEffect Player_"name" Shrine_Berath

Permanent effects[ | ]

There are a number of effects that can be permanently applied to the player, most of which are positive buffs gained via NPC training or as a quest reward. The NPCs that give you training are Backer created content.

Note: This list is incomplete, please click "Edit" above to add any missing effects!
Name Effect(s) Acquisition
Carlo's Training +1 Diplomacy, +1 Sleight of Hand Carlo Fortuni, Lifter's Refuge for Copper pires (cp)3,000
Coel's Training +1 Bluff, +1 Streetwise Co'el Marcellus, Radiant Court for Copper pires (cp)3,000
Elias Zelen's Training +1 Explosives, +1 Mechanics Elias Zelen, The King's Coffin for Copper pires (cp)3,000
Geirvard's Training +1 Arcana, +1 History Geirvard Calder, Serpent's Crown for Copper pires (cp)3,000
Granis' Training +1 Athletics, +1 Survival Granis Yirgar, Kahanga Palace for Copper pires (cp)3,000
Kae's Training +1 Metaphysics, +1 Stealth Kae Polzech, Lifter's Refuge for Copper pires (cp)3,000
Mark Van Der Bij's Training +1 Alchemy, +1 Religion Mark van der Bij, The Sacred Stair for Copper pires (cp)3,000
Marofeto Liano's Training +1 Insight, +1 Intimidate Marofeto Liano, Sayuka for Copper pires (cp)3,000
Berath's Blessing - Champion Stats +2 Might, Constitution, Dexterity, Intellect, Perception, Resolve Via the "Bonus Attributes" Berath's Blessing.
Berath's Blessing - Bonus Skills Receive double the normal skill bonus from class Via the "Bonus Skills" Berath's Blessing.
Berath's Blessing - Power Level Bonus +1 Barbarian Power Level, +1 Chanter Power Level, +1 Cipher Power Level, +1 Druid Power Level, +1 Fighter Power Level, +1 Monk Power Level, +1 Paladin Power Level, +1 Priest Power Level, +1 Ranger Power Level, +1 Rogue Power Level, +1 Wizard Power Level An unused Berath's Blessing.
Adaptive -1.0 sec cooldown when switching grimoires Granted to Aloth on completion of The Painted Masks, if he is humbled by the story of Thaos' mistake (otherwise he gets Persistent).
Persistent 25% chance to gain Concentration for 30.0 sec when Critically Hit Granted to Aloth on completion of The Painted Masks, if he is encouraged by the story of Thaos' mistake (otherwise he gets Adaptive).
Candlebearer +5 Will Granted to Edér on completion of The Lighted Path, if Edér successfully convinces Bearn not to drink the poison.
Inner Glow +1 Resolve Granted to Edér on completion of The Lighted Path, if Bearn drinks the poison and is saved, or if he drinks the poison and dies.
Compassion +1 Intellect
Social Order +1 Might
Oppressor's Rage +10% Crit damage, +2 Intimidate
Slave's Silence +1 Resolve, +2 Stealth
Cauldron Brew +1 to an attribute of your choosing (Might, Constitution, Dexterity, Perception, Intellect, Resolve) Granted by using the Deciphered notes to create one of 6 potions with the cauldron in Outcast's Respite.
Infamous Captain +3 Intimidate, +5% Damage
Lower level Kith enemies may become Terrified at the beginning of combat.
Granted by surviving a mutiny, or via the Infamous Past Berath's Blessing
Savage Cunning +1 Perception, +2 Survival Overgrowth quest, boon from Galawain
Strong-Souled +5 Max Health Granted to all Dyrwoodan characters if the souls were distributed to the Dyrwood in the quest Memories of the Ancients, during the events of Pillars of Eternity.
Soul-Power +1 All Power Levels Granted to those dedicated to Woedica if the souls were used to strengthen her in the quest Memories of the Ancients, during the events of Pillars of Eternity - Steel Garrote and Priest of Woedica NPCs only.
Gift from the Machine +1 Might, +5% Max Health Re-granted to you upon completing A Distant Light, if you absorbed the souls in the quest Undying Heritage during the events of Pillars of Eternity.
Effigy's Resentment: Aloth +1 Intellect, +5 Reflex Re-granted to you upon completing A Distant Light, if you sacrificed a companion to the Skaen Blood Pool during the events of Pillars of Eternity.
Effigy's Resentment: Devil of Caroc +1 Dexterity, +1 Penetration with weapons against kith targets
Effigy's Resentment: Durance +1 Constitution, +5% Max Health
Effigy's Resentment: Edér +1 Might, +2 Deflection
Effigy's Resentment: Grieving Mother +1 Resolve, +5 All Defenses against Intellect Affliction attacks
Effigy's Resentment: Hiravias +1 Dexterity, +1 Slash Armor Rating
Effigy's Resentment: Kana +1 Intellect, +5 All Defenses against Dexterity Affliction attacks
Effigy's Resentment: Maneha +1 Might, +5 All Defenses against Might Affliction attacks
Effigy's Resentment: Pallegina +1 Resolve, +1 Shock Armor Rating
Effigy's Resentment: Sagani +1 Perception, +2 Accuracy against > 4m distance targets
Effigy's Resentment: Zahua +1 Constitution, +5% Beneficial effect duration