Pillars of Eternity Wiki
Storm Speaker Ikawha
Portrait ikawha convo
PE2 Storm Speaker Ikawha
Biography and appearance
Game Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
Race Island aumaua
Gender Female
Culture Deadfire Archipelago
Faction Huana
Class Chanter
Subclass Stormspeaker
Level 4
  • Health: 81
Accuracy 31
Penetration 8
Defenses Def: 33 Fort: 49 Ref: 39 Will: 48
Abilities Among the Waves, At the Sight of their Comrades, their Hearts Grew Bold, Blessed Was Wengridh, Quickest of His Tribe, One Dozen Stood Against the Power of the Saint (Deadfire), Two-Handed Style, The Skies Opened and Vengeance Rained Down, Not Felled by the Axe, Nor Broken by the Storm, The Cave Provided Shelter through the Storm, Shatter their Shackles, Cast off their Chains!
Location Sātahuzi, Port Maje
Quests Stranded
Burning Bridges
Body Mataru Clothing
Weapon Quarterstaff
Internal Name
GUID c9e5251f-cf45-4676-aaec-da4a6db08f49

Storm Speaker Ikawha is a character in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire.

Background[ | ]

Items in italics are quoted directly from the game.

Seated upon a chair before the bonfire, Ikawha looks considerably more comfortable here in her home village. She prods absently at the coals with a long stick.

Ikawha's lined face is pocked with fading scars, but there's no hostility in her calm appraisal as you approach.

The head of the Huana living alongside the Vailians of Port Maje, Ikawha is one of the few holdouts who refused to ally themselves with Queen Onekaza II of Neketaka, who united most of the Huana tribes under a single banner. While this gives her a degree of flexibility, it also weakens her negotiating position with the Vailian governor. Ikawha's lined face is pocked with fading scars, but she's far more soft spoken and polite than her exterior would have people believe. She gets along with the governor fine most of the time and believes that he might actually enjoy the island if he wasn't a slave to his Vailian masters.

In fact, she is a strong supporter of close ties with the Vailians at Port Maje, especially if Clario can keep his VTC overlords away. That way, everyone can be happy... Except for Mokeha, her daughter, whose patience is strained by the alliance every single day.

Interactions[ | ]

Icon dialogue
This character is involved in quests.
Icon gears
This character has other interactions.
  • You can discuss the matter of the storms with her and use Perception 12 to point out that the damage done at the village is minor or Insight 2 to point out that she and the governor don't get along.
  • You also get an unique interaction with her as an island aumaua from the Deadfire.
  • Stealing from the basket behind the totem while in plain sight will cause her to ask you to put it back. Typically the contents of the basket will Hardtack, not coinage as she describes. You can respond by
    • Putting back Copper pires (cp)10
    • Sleight of Hand 2 to pretend to return the coins (Shady) Skulduggery
    • Bluff 2 to deny that you stole anything (Shady)
    • Or pocket the coins, though this doesn't have any reaction. Irresponsibility

Quests[ | ]
