The House of Wael is a short story written by Chris Avellone and published by Obsidian Entertainment on July 11, 2016. It is the fifth and final in a series of short stories, written by members of the Pillars of Eternity developer team.
Release[ | ]
Unlike the previous entries in the series, it cannot be freely downloaded from Obsidian's website. Instead, it was made available in Patch 3.03 (which was later announced in Update #107[3]) to those who pledged $50 or more to the crowdfunding campaign where it may be downloaded from the backer portal. It was also made available to owners of the Royal Edition of Pillars of Eternity. On Steam it is automatically installed automatically in the game directory, and for other platforms it may be downloaded separately. It is also part of the collected Pillars I omnibus, obtainable during the Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire backer campaign.
Summary[ | ]
The House of Wael is a multilayered narrative that tells the story of a young boy's encounter with a strange house that might just be the work of Wael, god of mysteries. Taken in by its stern caretaker, the boy is introduced to a building where rugs grow food, where stairs are as likely to end in a pit as a floor, and where the gods' deepest secrets line the halls like artwork in a museum.
Yet, for all its puzzles, the most challenging may be the one the boy needs most desperately to solve: discovering the way out.Story[ | ]
- ↑ No official release date was announced. The only topic about it in the official forums is dated on July 12, 2016. The PDF, however, was created on March 17, 2016, and the update in which it was included was released on July 11, 2016
- ↑ The House of Wael by Chris Avellone | Goodreads
- ↑ Update #107: The Last Backer Reward, a Beta, and a Survey - Pillars of Eternity: Announcements & News - Obsidian Forum Community