Pillars of Eternity Wiki
Portrait vela convo
Quest sacrificial bloodlines
Biography and appearance
Game Pillars of Eternity
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
Race Hearth orlan
Gender Female
Culture Eir Glanfath
Faction Three-Tusk Stelgaer
Level 1
  • Health: 1
Accuracy 0
Penetration 7 / 7
Defenses Def: -1 Fort: -8 Ref: -4 Will: -6
DR 3
Elemental DR Slash: 3
Pierce: 3
Crush: 3
Shock: 3
Freeze: 3
Burn: 3
Corrode: 3
Abilities Minor Threat
Location Hearthsong (in poe1)
The Defiant (in poe2)
Quests Sacrificial Bloodlines
Body Dyrwoodan Clothing
Internal Name
GUID c0d8cf7b-b8a2-4141-a6d5-b3a7380247ee

Vela is a Glanfathan in Pillars of Eternity and Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. She can be found in the Glanfathan home in the Hearthsong district of Twin Elms.

If you keep her during Sacrificial Bloodlines, she will appear in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire, as a crew member aboard The Defiant.

Background[ | ]

Vela is is the child of Widhwn, a Glanfathan anamfath. Though unusually calm and quiet for a baby, this is a healthy infant that has managed to avoid the effects of Waidwen's Legacy. The innocent wee babe is the target of a scheme by Simoc to sacrifice her and strengthen his seed, to sire an heir worthy of the Three-Tusk Stelgaer.

Interactions[ | ]

Pillars of Eternity[ | ]

Icon dialogue
This character is involved in quests.

Sacrificial Bloodlines

Quests[ | ]

  • Sacrificial Bloodlines: Simoc desires to murder Vela, while his son wants to see his father stopped before this madness comes to pass. The little Vela is represented by a special quest item, simply called baby.

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire[ | ]

Vela is present as part of the crew, but only available if you kept her during Sacrificial Bloodlines. She is first seen accompanying Eld Engrim in Vilario's Rest.

While no significant dialogue is added (other than some chatter with your companions), Vela can be seen as the Watcher's version of an adoptive daughter.

SqrMenu hireSailor
This character is a potential crew member of The Defiant.
  • Unskilled
Icon gears
This character has other interactions.
  • Vela has a number of heartwarming lines of dialogue for each companion.[1]
  • For the Magran's Fires challenge "Hylea's Challenge", Vela follows the Watcher, and has to be kept alive or the game ends.

Gallery[ | ]


  1. Vela & Companions - DanaDuchy on YouTube
