Pillars of Eternity Wiki

Weapon Focus is a category of six separate talents in Pillars of Eternity that provide a +6 Accuracy bonus with weapon attacks from a specific list. Each different talent uses a different group of weapons for which this bonus applies.

List of weapon focuses[ | ]

Focus Affected weapons
Weapon Focus: Adventurer Pollaxes, Estocs, Flails, Wands, War bows
Weapon Focus: Knight Battle axes, Swords, Morning stars, Crossbows
Weapon Focus: Noble Daggers, Rapiers, Maces, Scepters, Rods
Weapon Focus: Peasant Hatchets, Spears, Quarterstaffs, Hunting bows, Unarmed
Weapon Focus: Ruffian Sabres, Stilettos, Clubs, Pistols, Blunderbusses
Weapon Focus: Soldier Great swords, Pikes, War hammers, Arbalests, Arquebuses

See also[ | ]
